代写OM Take-Home Exam代写Web开发

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OM Take-Home Exam

Assignment: Write an essay to describe and to analyze an original process that transforms flow units into finished products or services. The process must come from your personal experience. The essay should include the following components.

(a) Title: A concise statement of what the process is about.

(b) Introduction: Background for the process including what are the directly related organization or division, what kind of products or services are provided, and what resources are used.  

(c) Current process: A clear description of the process should be provided and a detailed process flow diagram should be plotted to characterize the various steps. At least three critical activities must be identified.

(d) Analysis and recommendation: Please discuss at least three ways to improve the process in terms of flow rate, flow time, and inventory/quality. 

Format: font of Arial 12, double line spacing, 500-1000 words, A4 size including figures.

Submission due date: 18:00 pm Tuesday June 11 2024, late submission is not accepted.

Course representative: Please collect all essays and send me a final zipped file.
