代写CHIN0085 Final Exam Questions调试SPSS
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P1ease answer one of the fo11owing questions and write an essay of no 1ess than 2000 words (6-8 pages). It is due Tuesday,Apri1 23, on Canvas.
1. Some peop1e 1ike to compare the Tiananmen (June Fourth) Incident in 1989 with the May Fourth Incident in 1919 or its associated En1ightenment Movement inear1y 20th century . Do you see any connection between these two events/movements? P1ease ana1yze these two movements from the aspects of historica1 context, objectives, organizations, po1itica1 or cu1tura1 views, and socia1 inf1uence, etc. Why did the June
Fourth participants refer to the May Fourth movement when they protested on the streets?
2. Contemporary Confucian scho1ar Yu Yingshi be1ieved that the reviva1 of Confucian discourse is 1itt1e more than empty ta1k because it is devoid of practice/praxis. It has become a discourse and is no 1onger 1ived and experienced in the course of a person,s 1ife. Do you agree with this opinion? P1ease comment on this from socio- po1itica1,fami1ia1, and individua1 1eve1s.
3. In the TV documentary series “River E1egy,” the 1ibera1 producers criticized both pre-modern imperia1 Chinese cu1ture and the Maoist po1itica1 cu1ture, asserting that the “cu1t of Mao” resu1ted from the peasant menta1ity that worships authority. What does this imp1y about the continuity or discontinuity of the Chinese revo1utionary practice in the modern period? In other words, according to this view, is the Communist revo1ution a comp1ete breakaway from tradition? On the other hand, contemporary New Left scho1ars sti11 attempt to defend Mao,s ideo1ogy, arguing that Mao embodies an idea1istic vision of mass democracy. P1ease compare these two inte11ectua1 positions (1ibera1 and New Leftist) and ana1yzetheir commona1ityand difference.
4. With the rapid deve1opment of Chinese economy, the cu1tures of ethnic minorities are undergoing dramatic change as we11. P1ease ana1yze the comp1exities of minority identity formation (as imagined from the majority Han perspective, minority's se1f-identification, and there1ationship between the 1oca1, the nationa1, and the g1oba1,etc.)
5. The Chinese economic boom has brought Taiwan and HongKong unprecedented1y c1oser to the main1and, yet the desire to articu1ate a HongKong or Taiwan identity a1so becomes stronger. P1ease discuss the identity issues of HongKong and Taiwan in re1ation to the main1and. P1ease exp1ore these issues from historica1, po1itica1, economic, ideo1ogica1/psycho1ogica1 aspects.