代做BIO206 Practical Bioinformatics调试数据库编程

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Analysis Report

- BIO206 Practical Bioinformatics

- Topic: mito-metagenomics

Perform. data quality control, de novo assembly and read mapping with Unix environment for reference construction and biodiversity evaluation of target bee pollinators. Prepare a practical report describing method and presenting result clear using no more than 500 words.

· Clear description of the methodology, including dataset, software and parameters will score 25 points.

· Proper results proving successful bioinformatics process will score 25 points.

· Clear presentation of data readout will score 30 points.

· Proper visualization of results will score 20 points.

Here are some suggestions for the key analyses as follows:

Task 1: Data quality control

· Collect the two datasets assigned to you into your working directory on the server. One is a bee genome sequencing for reference construction, and one is bulk sample for biodiversity evaluation. The sequencing strategies for both datasets are the same – 200 bp insert size for library preparation and 100 paired-end (PE) for sequencing.

· Perform. low-quality data filtering in the Unix environment, and summarize the data quality of the clean data.

Task 2: de novo assembly for reference construction

· de novo assembly

· Assembly summarization

· Mitochondrion genome identification

Task 3: Read mapping for biodiversity evaluation of target bees

· Acquire all the reference sequences on the server into your working directory.

· Perform. read alignment.

· Evaluate the biodiversity of bees with reference in your sample – the dataset assigned to you.

· Summarize and visualize the results.
