代做SOC100: Introduction to Sociology I调试R语言

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SOC100: Introduction to Sociology I


I. General Assignment Details:

Worth: 25% of Final Grade

Due dates:



Has social media use since childhood hurt the mental health of Gen-Z?

Fri, Feb. 9th by 11:59pm

Should all drugs be legal?

Fri, Feb.23rd by 11:59pm

Should we assist citizens of other countries?

Fri, March 29th by 11:59pm

•   You are only required to submit one debate paper and you can submit for whichever of the

papers/due dates appeals to you most. You do however, have the option of submitting up to two papers to try and improve your grade, but to do this you MUST submit your first paper for

Debate #1 or #2 and the second paper MUST be for debate #3 (if you submit for debate paper #1 you will NOT get your grade in time to know if you want tore-submit by debate #2). The option to submit a second paper is provided so that you have the opportunity to reach the grade you desire in the course. If you are unhappy with your first paper grade, you can learn from the feedback and try again for another debate.

How to Submit:

•   Students MUST submit an e-copy of the paper which will be turned in on Quercus. On the

course’s Quercus homepage click “Assignments” and you will see the folder to submit your assignment. Papers must be in word or pdf format, if your paper is in a pages format it won’t be readable in Quercus. NO hard copy of your paper is required.

•   Please note that a student is responsible for submitting a readable document. NO

ACCOMODATIONS WILL BE GIVEN FOR a submitted file that is corrupted, un-openable, or contains only symbols.

•   Please Note: We check all papers for plagiarism THOROUGHLY. Any instances of plagiarism whether intentional or not result in a paper automatically being given a grade of 0. Please consult the course writing guide for what constitutes plagiarism.

•   When you submit your paper to Quercus, it will be screened through the plagiarism detection

tool Ouriginal. Ouriginal is the University’s plagiarism detection tool, and it conducts a review of textual similarity and plagiarism. In submitting your essay, you agree to allow it to be included as source documents in the tool’s reference database, where it will be used solely for   the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of this tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation website (https://uoft.me/pdt-faq).

PLEASE NOTE: Your % similarity score is not used as a tool to determine plagiarism, instead we look for actual plagiarism (similar citations are NOT a problem, similarities where quotation marks are used are NOT a problem, similarities with no quotations of 5 or more words IS plagiarism).

•   Students are responsible for submitting a document. NO ACCOMODATIONS WILL BE

GIVEN FOR a file that you intended to submit but ultimately did not submit. It is up to you to check and make sure that your document was actually uploaded.

II. Specific Assignment Details:

Paper Topic Details:

Paper 1: Has social media use since childhood hurt the mental health of Gen-Z?

•  Access to smart technology and the increasing use of social media is a relatively new

phenomenon. Specifically, in the sense that Gen-Z is the first generation to have had access to  both since childhood. Many raise concerns over how social media affects children (those under the age of 18) and have argued that Gen-Z has negative traits as a result of having access to it    since childhood.

o Make two arguments for social media having had a negative effect on Gen-Z.

o Make two arguments for social media NOT having had a negative effect on Gen-Z.

o In your judgement paragraph, state whether you think Canadian governments should

restrict the use of social media by children by putting an age restriction on signing up for social media accounts? State whether your answer is No, it shouldn’t or Yes, it should and include the age you think it should be restricted to and why. (don’t worry about the technical aspects of enforcing such a law, that would be for a government to   decide—for example, requiring a drivers license upload, etc.—focus instead on whether there SHOULD bean age limit).

Paper 2: Should all drugs be legal?

•  Illegal drugs are criminalized in most countries with some exceptions; for example, marijuana was recently legalized in Canada yet remains illegal in most of the world. Should Canada legalize all other currently illegal drugs (note that the focus is on legalization and NOT decriminalization)? Please note, you CANNOT discuss specific drugs separately; you MUST argue for the legalization of ALL currently illegal drugs.

o Make two arguments for why Canada should legalize all currently illegal drugs.

o Make two arguments for why Canada should NOT legalize all currently illegal drugs.

o In your judgement paragraph, state whether or not current Canadian drug policies

would stay the same, or whether you would legalize all of the other currently illegal drugs if it was up to you to decide the matter.

Paper 3: Should we assist citizens of other countries?

•  In 2020, the Canadian government spent roughly 0.3% of the country’s Gross National Income (GNI) on assistance to developing nations (Government of Canada, 2023). This represents roughly US$5.1 billion (ibid). Should the amount the government spends stay the same, increase, or decrease?

o Make two arguments for why Canada’s foreign assistance should increase.

o Make two arguments for why Canada’s foreign assistance should decrease.

o In your judgement paragraph, state the exact percentage of GNI you would have the government spend if it was up to you to decide the matter.

. Please note that this is about providing funds to developing nations, not assisting people within Canada such as refugees.

Paper Format & Requirements:

•   Assignment MUST be 3.5 pages double-spaced (not including the title page and works cited page).

o You MUST use 12 point Times New Roman Font and “Normal” or 1 inch margins.

o *NOTE: we will not read anything after the page limit; it is important to be able to be concise and respect page limits. No exceptions will be made.

•   You MUST have a cover page stating your Title, Name, Course, Professor, citation style. used, and date of submission. This page should also include a sentence stating that you understand what plagiarism is and have used citations when borrowing the ideas or words of others. And another sentence acknowledging that the minimum penalty for plagiarism is a grade of 0 on the assignment. (see Assignment template)

•   You MUST use page numbers.

•   You MUST include a works cited page.

•   You must use the ASA (American Sociological Association) citation style.

•   You MUST use a minimum of EIGHT sources.

o That is, you must look at eight sources that DO NOT INCLUDE my lecture slides, the assignment instructions, or materials I have assigned to you for AM quizzes (you can use and cite these, they just don’t count towards the 8 sources required). In other words, you must find and consider at least eight other valid sources of information that are not  part of this course.

o I will allow any source that has undergone any type of review process. For example,

academic articles, journal articles, books, magazine and/or newspaper articles, documentaries, videos of news reports, official reports from government organizations, and other similar sources are all acceptable. Personal blog posts or other unedited sources of information are not. PLEASE NOTE: You have the responsibility to judge the validity of your source’s information. There are bad sources that fit within the type I allow and good sources that do not. Use your judgement and try to make good decisions. If you have questions about a source, you are ALWAYS welcome at my office hours. PLEASE NOTE THOUGH: sources you cite MUST make arguments based on empirical evidence and not based on opinions, values, or other non-empirical evidence. Essentially this means that the source must use data like statistics or have done an empirical study such as academic journal articles.

o You DO NOT need to cite all 8 sources within the paper text, it is entirely possible to

review sources and not use their ideas. Just remember that if you do use a source’s ideas then you need to include it as an in-text citation.

•   This assignment is an exercise in critical thinking, the goal is to research and consider both sides of a debate, and to really think about it to determine which side you fall on.

•   PLEASE BE ADVISED: I have posted an Assignment Template that you can use for your

assignment. It has the correct margins and other technical specifications. This is to make life easier for you and to take out the guesswork of whether something is formatted correctly. You are NOT required to use this exact template, it’s just to show you what the paper should generally look like.

III. Basic Assignment Advice:

•   For your assignment, you need to look at both sides of the debate in question equally. Imagine you are a lawyer for each side and make two arguments for each side; in other words, it’s your job to make the BEST possible arguments for each side regardless of what you personally believe. Lastly, take on the role of a judge when determining your position (i.e., base your conclusion/policy judgement on the facts of your research versus just what you personally believe). In other words, state your policy recommendation and the justifications for it professionally and without the use of personal pronouns. This isn’t about what your personally believe, this is about the conclusion that an unbiased analysis of the facts leads you to.

•   All good papers regardless of structure have some key elements: 1.    Critical Analysis:

. Good papers and analyses do not just accept information like that presented in a

documentary or in an article at face value, they research it further to get the view of a few different sources and use critical analysis to dissect it and form their own opinion.

2.   A Thesis:

. All good papers have a point. In other words, papers are written with a purpose (and the reason for your paper should not be simply that I assigned you to write one!).

Your paper should have a point, it should have an argument that you want to make  clear to whoever reads it, this is your thesis and everything in your paper should be included only because it contributes to that thesis: in other words, if something you want to say in the paper does not add to your thesis then do not include it. Your thesis for this assignment should take the form of stating what your policy conclusion is and why. Don’t be mysterious either, state this directly in the intro.

IV. Assignment Structure:

•   The expected structure of your paper is as follows:


(1 paragraph, half a page)

State the issue, state it’s importance, outline the two arguments  you will present on the first side of the debate, outline the two    arguments for the other side of the debate, then state your thesis (which is your final judgement/policy recommendation).

Argument 1

(roughly 1 paragraph, half a page)

Make your first main argument for the For side of the debate.

Argument 2

(roughly 1 paragraph, half a page)

Make your second main argument for the For side of the debate.

Argument 3

(roughly 1 paragraph, half a page)

Make your first main argument for opposite or Against side of the debate.

Argument 4

(roughly 1 paragraph, half a page)

Make your second main argument for opposite or Against side of the debate.

Your Analysis/Perspective

(roughly 1 paragraph, half a page is expected but you can do two

paragraphs if you need)

Give your judgement on the policy related to the debate (see page 2). State which side of the debate you find more

convincing and why (i.e. evaluate the arguments made for each side), then describe what your policy would be. The challenge   here is to do it without using first-person pronouns.


(Roughly 1 paragraph, half a page)

Tie everything together and state the main points/arguments of   your paper for the reader. Tell them what they should take away from your paper, i.e. the main message or argument. Remember this is a summary, nothing new should be included here.

V.  Additional Advice

•   See Professor McIvor Writing Guide.
