代写COMP SCI/SFWR ENG 4E03 — Assignment 11代做留学生SQL语言程序

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COMP SCI/SFWR ENG 4E03 — Assignment 11

1. (a) For a single server queue using FCFS scheduling you are given the option of three different processing time distributions: (i) exponential with rate 5 per minute, (ii) uniformly distributed between 10 and 14 seconds, (iii) equal to 11 or 13 seconds with equal probability. If mean response time is the performance measure of interest, which would you choose?

(b) For your choice in (a), would you prefer to switch to PS scheduling (assuming no issues with overhead)?

(c) For your choice in (a), would you prefer to switch to SRPT scheduling (assuming no issues with overhead)?

2. A single-server system has two types of arrivals. The arrival process is a Poisson process with rate 4 per minute. With probability 0.1, an arrival is of type 1 and has a processing time of exactly 2 seconds. With probability 0.9, an arrival is of type 2 and has a processing time of exactly 12 seconds.

(a) Calculate the mean response time for type 1 jobs if the scheduling policy is FCFS.

(b) Calculate the mean response time for type 1 jobs if preemptive priority is given to type 1 jobs.
