代做Homework 3: Ajax, JSON, Responsive Design and Node.js帮做Python语言程序

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Homework 3: Ajax, JSON, Responsive Design and Node.js

Stock Search

(AJAX/JSON/HTML5/Bootstrap/Angular /Node.js/Cloud Exercise)

Grading Guidelines (aka Rubric)

Total Points: 15

Deduction of points in each category will NOT exceed the total points of the category.

Navbar (0.50 points in total)

。 The styling, highlighting and hover effect of the navbar should be similar to the reference video, 0.25 points will be deducted otherwise.

。 The positioning of each element should be as shown in the reference video, 0.25 points will be deducted otherwise.

Footer (0.25 point in total)

Footer should be as mentioned in the description with a hyperlink and must stay at the bottom of the page, 0.15 points will be deducted otherwise.

Autocomplete (1 point in total)

。 The placeholder value and the auto suggesting values should be displayed similar to the reference video; 1 point will be deducted if auto-complete doesn’t work.

。 Poor performance of Autosuggest will result in a deduction of 0.5 points.

。 While loading the suggestions, the loading spinner must appear, 0.25 points will be deducted otherwise.

Routing and state management (1.25 point in total)

。 If routes in the address bar are not as mentioned in the homework description, 0.5 points will be deducted.

。 If the previous stock search results are not retained during navigation between  routes or a new backend call is initiated for the retained ticker when navigating back to the search results page, 0.5 points will be deducted

。 Clicking the clear icon (cross) inside the search bar should clear out the loaded stock’s search results. 0.25 points

Search Details Route (6.5 points in total)

Add/Remove stock to/from watchlist with the star color updating accordingly - 0.25 points

○   Error Alert must be displayed, if the wrong ticker/empty input is entered manually by the user in the search bar – 0.15 points

○   Overall Styling of Search Details Route must be the same as shown in video and screenshots, 0.15 points will be deducted otherwise.

○   Auto-fetching the details of the stock every 15 seconds, when the market is open and constant when closed – 0.30 points

Color of details according to the price change – 0.25 points

Adding /removing a stock from the watchlist and buying/selling stock from

Search Details Route should display a pop-up message. Styling should be similar with auto-closing - 0.3 points

Stock logo should be displayed with proper styling - 0.1 points

Trading Functionality (0.75 points)

Disable Buy/Sell button inside Modal if the input is invalid along with an error message– 0.25 points.

Dynamic Sell button if the stock already exists - 0.25 points

Total must update based on the quantity entered by the user. – 0.1 points

Modal design must be the same as shown in video and screenshots – 0.15 points

Summary Tab (1 point):

Display correct data values for corresponding fields  – 0.25 points

Color of the chart based on change value – 0.15 points

■   Clicking on the links to company peers should navigate to search results of that ticker - 0.3 points

Chart must be of the last working day with correct properties – 0.3 points.

Top News Tab (1 points):

■   Styling of news article cards should be similar to the reference video; 0.25 points will be deducted otherwise.

■   Modal must open, containing more details as shown in video and screenshots, by clicking on the news card. – 0.25 points

●   Clicking on more details must load the respective news article in the new tab – 0.2 points

●   The sharing functionality should work as shown for both Facebook and Twitter buttons, 0.3 points will be deducted otherwise.

Charts Tab (0.75 points):

Type of chart and its properties must be the same as shown in video and screenshots – 0.5 points

Insight Tab (1.25 points):

MSPR Table as shown in video and screenshots – 0.5 points

Type of the two charts and their properties must be the same as shown in video and screenshots – 0.75 points

Watchlist Route (1 point in total)

。 Clicking the stock card from the watchlist, if any, should redirect to the details route of the stock - 0.25 points

。 Styling of the watchlist card should be similar to the reference video, 0.25 points in total.

。 If watchlist is empty, display alert message – 0.25 points

Live changes in My Watchlist after removing stock from watchlist by clicking remove button – 0.25 points.

。 Watchlist is properly retrieved from MongoDB Atlas, when running on a different browser – 0.25 points.

Portfolio Route (2 points in total)

Live changes in My Portfolio list after performing Trading functions – 0.4 points.

。 If portfolio is empty, display alert message – 0.1 points

Trading Functionalities (1.5 points)

Display and Update Money correctly in the Wallet. – 0.5 points

Disable Buy/Sell button if input is invalid. Form shouldn’t get submitted. Appropriate error message– 0.25 points

Total must update based on Quantity entered by the user. – 0.25 points

Design and Appearance must resemble as shown in video and screenshots – 0.25 points

Portfolio is properly retrieved from MongoDB Atlas, when running on a different browser – 0.25 points.

Loading Screen (0.5 point in total)

。 The styling and position of the loading spinner while loading search results should be as shown in the reference video, 0.25 points will be deducted.

。 Loading spinner must be present while loading the suggestions in autocomplete, 0.25 points will be deducted.

Responsive (2 points in total)

。 In the mobile browser, navbar, footer and all routes should be the same as the screenshots provided in the description and the reference video, 1 point will be deducted otherwise.

。 In the mobile browser, all functionalities must work exactly, 1 point will be deducted otherwise.

Use of ng-bootstrap

。 Ng-bootstrap is recommended. Implementations without it will not  result in a penalty.

Use of highcharts-angular

。 All the charts must be implemented using the highcharts-angular package. Implementing without it will result in a 2-point penalty.

Use of Google Cloud/AWS/Azure

。 You should implement Assignment 3 using AWS/Google Cloud/Azure cloud

services as described in the Cloud Setup (NodeJS) available on D2L

Brightspace. This will be verified with an additional linkin the Table of

Assignments, showing a sample API call to your “cloud” service and verifying   the corresponding JSON result. This link would guide graders to a page where it displays the JSON data returned by your Node.js script. running on the Google App Engine/AWS/Azure. Failing to provide a valid link will result in a 4-point penalty.

Additional Requirements

。 The entire assignment is to be implemented using Angular, Node.js, ng-bootstrap   and highcharts-angular. Use of other technologies will result in a 5-point penalty. 

。 Using React instead of Angular is allowed, with no penalty, but the look and feel

of the app needs to be the same. Otherwise a 1-point penalty will  be applied. 。 The use of jQuery is allowed, with no penalty.

。 All API requests should be made from the server-side, as outlined in the homework description. Any violation will result in a 4-point penalty.

。 This application is a “1-page web app.” The browser window should not reload (i.e., “refresh”) for any kind of data request. This assignment is focused on building single-page applications. Refreshing the page will result in a 3-point penalty.

。 The program must work in Chrome and Firefox on desktop, and Safari and Chrome on mobile devices.

。 Watchlist and Portfolio data should be stored and retrieved from MongoDB Atlas, on the same cloud service used for the backend.
