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School of Electronics andComputer ScienceCoursework (2 of 2)InstructionsModule: ELEC6217 Title: Wireless TransceiverDesign

ELEC6217 Wireless Transceiver Design and ImplementationAssignment 2 - Introduction to OFDM andfiltered OFDMMulticarrier

School of Electronics andComputer ScienceCoursework (2 of 2)InstructionsModule: ELEC6217 Title: Wireless TransceiverDesign

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COMP1038 Coursework 02 – Food OrderManagement SystemVersion History Version 1.4 - 2021-12-10.SubmissionYou must submit a

MSc/MEng Data Mining and Machine Learning (2021)Lab 3 – Speech Recognition using HTKIntroductionThe purpose of this

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CSC3100 Assignment 3Important Notes:1. The assignment is an individual project, to be finished on one’s own effort.2.

P11 Assignment PlannerProgramming II (CS300) Fall 2021Pair Programming: NOT ALLOWEDDue: 9:59PM on December 13thP11
