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159.341 – 2020 Semester 1 Massey UniversityAssignment 1Deadline: Hand in by 5pm on Monday 30th March 2020Evaluation: 10

CSC3002: Introduction to Computer ScienceAssignment 2Assignment description:You should write your code for each question in

ECOM151: Big Data Applications in FinanceIndividual AssignmentVimal Balasubramaniam25 February 2020DetailsGrading: 20% of

Homework #4Due 4/22/2020, 11:59pm (but flexible)4/14/2020Front MatterAs with HW3, you will write your task code and answer

Data Bootcamp Problem Set 6 Spring 2020Instructions:• After completing the assignment, please submit your .ipnyb file to NYU

The Confident Cannabis marketing team has launched a small campaign for social media users to vote between two products of

STATS 326Applied Time SeriesASSIGNMENT ONEDue: 20 March, 12.00Worth 6% of your final grade (727 4%)Hand-in to the

CPI 221 – Midterm Exam – Spring 2020Name:Complete all 7 Pages. Each page is worth 8 points.Extra +4: 1) Object Oriented

The Confident Cannabis marketing team has launched a small campaign for social media users to vote between two products of

STATS 326Applied Time SeriesASSIGNMENT ONEDue: 20 March, 12.00Worth 6% of your final grade (727 4%)Hand-in to the
