Database :

GUIDELINES FOR THE PROJECT IN BIG DATA FOR BUSINESSFirstly, note that this project is optional. For the final exam part (60%

School of Computer ScienceThe University of AdelaideArtificial IntelligenceAssignment 3Semester 1, 2020Due 11.59 pm, Monday

COMP2300/COMP6300 Applied CryptographyAssignment 2Total marks: 30Weighting: 15%Deadline: Sunday (End of Week 12), 31 May 202

GUIDELINES FOR THE PROJECT IN BIG DATA FOR BUSINESSFirstly, note that this project is optional. For the final exam part (60%

School of Computer ScienceThe University of AdelaideArtificial IntelligenceAssignment 3Semester 1, 2020Due 11.59 pm, Monday

COMP2300/COMP6300 Applied CryptographyAssignment 2Total marks: 30Weighting: 15%Deadline: Sunday (End of Week 12), 31 May 202

1. Write a Bash shell script that accepts adirectory as its input and then displays the names of shellscripts (.

STSCI 4060 HW7(Assigned: 5/1/2020; due: 5/8/2020)Do your own work. Cornell academic integrity rules are enforced. In this

1. Write a Bash shell script that accepts adirectory as its input and then displays the names of shellscripts (.

STSCI 4060 HW7(Assigned: 5/1/2020; due: 5/8/2020)Do your own work. Cornell academic integrity rules are enforced. In this
