Database :

CISC 360 Assignment 1due Tuesday, 2021–01–26 at 11:59pm, via onQJana DunfieldJanuary 17, 2021Reminder: All work submitted

3. Key tasks● Task 1: you will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts of classes andmethods in Python; in

ProjectSection ADescriptionThe world is now in a battle against Covid-19 (coronavirus), a disease caused by a previously

Assignment 1put your name and ID hereSection # 01In environmental economics, perfectly competitive markets are our benchmark

3. Key tasks● Task 1: you will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts of classes andmethods in Python; in

ProjectSection ADescriptionThe world is now in a battle against Covid-19 (coronavirus), a disease caused by a previously

Assignment 1put your name and ID hereSection # 01In environmental economics, perfectly competitive markets are our benchmark

Monash University FIT2099 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation 2020 S1 Assignment 1: Planning and Design Braaaains

Name: RCS ID: CSCI 2300 — Introduction to Algorithms Fall 2020 Exam 1 (February 20, 2020) —

ENGG1330 2N Computer Programming I (19-20 Semester 2) Assignment 1 Due date: 6-May-2020, 23:59. Late
