CSE240 – Assignment 4Points 50IntroductionThe aim of this assignment is to get you to create a simple linked-structure
Computing and Information Systems/CreativeComputingCO3326 Computer securityCoursework assignment 2 2018–19IMPORTANT: all
CSCI2110Assignment 6Due: 12:00 noon, Monday, April 8, 2019The purpose of this assignment is to get you to create and use
INF 510Principles of Programming for InformaticsSenior Director for Administrative AffairsUSC/Information Sciences
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159.272 Programming ParadigmsAssignment 1Object-oriented Programming in JavaTotal marks: 15 marksDue: 8pm Friday 12 April 20
Credit:- checkpoint0.[pdf|txt] (checkpoint 0)- checkpoint1.[pdf|txt], prototype.pdf (including user testing results!)
Quantitative Risk ManagementCourseworkThe objective of the coursework is to allow you a first hand appreciation of some