讲解C++homework 辅导、conversion c++ 讲解,辅导C++conversion 类、解析C程序代码辅导
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Homework 03 (20 points)
Due Sunday, September 9 at 11:59pm
After this homework assignment, students should be able to:
• Format text output with user-defined spacing
• Output numbers with user-defined settings
• Use conditions to make decisions within the program
The text output of a program should be well-formatted for readability as well as displaying numbers with the
proper notation and precision levels. The default output formatting in C++ is often not desirable, so explicit
instructions can be added to the cout stream. These manipulators and functions are defined in the
<iomanip> library.
• setw(n): set the width (num. characters) of the next item to be at least n
o If the width is less than n, then pad the item with extra spaces
o If the width is greater than n, then make no changes
• left and right: when used in conjunction with setw(), justify the item to one side, forcing the
padding to the other side
• fixed: use the fixed-point notation (the decimal point notation that we are all familiar with) when
displaying the next numerical item
• setprecision(n): when used in conjunction with fixed, set the number of digits after the decimal
point to n
• showpoint: when printing a floating-point number, display the decimal point even if the value is
exactly equal to a whole number
float cost = 10.0;
cout << ":" << cost << ":" << endl;
cout << ":" << setw(7) << right << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint
<< cost << ":" << endl;
cout << ":1234567:" << endl;
: 10.00:
Task 1
Write a program named conversion.cpp that:
• Prompts the user to enter 5 temperature values in Fahrenheit (℉)
• Calculates the equivalent Celsius (℃) temperatures for each value entered
• Outputs a labeled three-column display, containing the following info:
o Fahrenheit values in the left column
o Celsius values in the middle column
o A warning message if the given temperature is freezing (less than or equal to 0℃) or boiling
(greater than or equal to 100℃) in the right column
The following formatting rules should be observed:
• Ensure that the columns remain fixed regardless of the values entered by the user (you may assume that
values entered are between -1000℉ and 1000℉)
• Use a precision of 2 decimal places to the right of the decimal point
Refer to the sample output for an example of proper formatting.
Task 2
Write a program named receipt.cpp that:
• Prompts the user for the names of 3 one-word items and their corresponding prices in US dollars
• Makes sure each price is not negative or greater than $999.99 (if invalid input is entered, then output an
error message and terminate the program)
• Makes sure the length of each item name is not 10 or greater (if invalid input is entered, then output an
error message and terminate the program)
• Calculates the total price and displays a well-formatted receipt
Refer to the sample output for an example of proper formatting.
Optional Bonus (+2 points)
Write a program named receiptdollar.cpp that provides an additional functionality to Task 2:
• When printing the prices of each item and the total, format the output so that the dollar sign ($) is
immediately to the left of the price
Sample Output
Task 1 Sample Output
Enter five temperature values in Fahrenheit:
-999.99 32 98.6 212 999.99
Fahrenheit Celsius Warning
-999.99 -573.33 <= Freezing!
32.00 0.00 <= Freezing!
98.60 37.00
212.00 100.00 >= Boiling!
999.99 537.77 >= Boiling!
Task 2 Sample Output
Enter names of 3 one-word items to purchase (each name must be less than
10 letters long):
This item is 10 or more letters long
Enter names of 3 one-word items to purchase (each name must be less than
10 letters long):
You have purchased 3 items. Enter their prices in US Dollars (must be
less than $1,000):
You entered an invalid price
Enter names of 3 one-word items to purchase (each name must be less than
10 letters long):
You have purchased 3 items. Enter their prices in US Dollars (must be
less than $1,000):
|Gum |$ 0.75|
|Flour |$ 6.00|
|Oranges |$ 19.99|
|TOTAL: $ 26.74|
Optional Bonus Sample Output
Enter names of 3 one-word items to purchase (each name must be less than
10 letters long):
You have purchased 3 items. Enter their prices in US Dollars (must be
less than $1,000):
|Candy | $0.99|
|Sneakers | $75.00|
|TOTAL: $1025.98|
Submit the following file(s) to Canvas before the deadline:
1. conversion.cpp
2. receipt.cpp
3. (optional bonus) receiptdollar.cpp