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Homework 5
Basic Introduction to Coding and R Script
10 Points
This homework is due four (4) days after your registered lab section before
11:55pm. Please read and follow the directions. If you have any questions,
contact your TA or attend office hours.
This week you will be creating code within R Script. Follow all instructions
Start by opening Rstudio and then creating a new RScript.
For the following assignment, write all your code within the editor/script window.
This editor/script window is the one you will turn in once finished with your
Imagine you’re in an economics class here at Davis, and you have been talking
about the correlation between country GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and child
illiteracy rates. You’re interested in the topic so you start doing some of your own
research and calculations.
1. You find that world GDP is 88 billion and US GDP is 21 billion. Create and
assign the variables “WorldGDP” and “USGDP” to the values above. Now
create an equation (using the variables you created) in which you find the
proportion of US GDP in relation to the world’s GDP – assign the outcome
of this equation to the variable “USOutputPercentage”
2. After doing this calculation, you realized you mistook trillions for billions
and your variables are off. To fix this, reassign the two variables (on two
new lines!), WorldGDP and USGDP to the correct values, 88 trillion and
21 trillion respectively. Notice that value of USOutputPercentage won’t
change since the USGDP and WorldGDP are going up by equal
3. You find that the five countries with the highest GDP are as follows (all in
trillions): US – 21 China – 15 Japan – 5 Germany – 4 India – 3
a. Create a variable “Largest5” and assign it to the GDPs of the five
countries above (using condensed values such as 21 instead of
21,000,000,000,000 is advised)
b. You are interested in what the largest five economies would look
like if they all grew by 3.6% next year. Create an equation that uses
the “Largest5” variable to answer that question. In the code for this
equation, add your name and lab time into a comment.
In doing all your research, you find a dataset that has the GDP of multiple
countries along with their corresponding child illiteracy rates
“GDPChildIlliteracyF19.” Download this dataset.
1. Start by loading the dataset into R.
2. You’re interested in the child illiteracy rates for each continent. Subset the
data by Continent (North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and
Europe) and then find the mean of the child illiteracy rate for each of the 6
3. You want to learn more about Asia illiteracy rates. Start by creating a boxplot
of the child illiteracy rates in Asia (Hint: use the Asia subset you created in
4. Create a histogram of child illiteracy rates in Asia, specifically the child
illiteracy data. Label the x-axis "Child Illiteracy", the y-axis "Frequency", and
the main title "Asia Child Illiteracy Rates Histogram"
5. Plot the Asia data with Child Illiteracy on the x-axis and GDP on the y-axis
(use the function: plot). After you have your plotted data, run a linear
regression on the data (use the function: lm)
6. Add the line of best fit to your plot (use the function: abline)
What you need to submit for this assignment:
1. The RScript file that contains all the code that you used to complete this
assignment. Save as RScript_LASTNAME
2. The boxplot. Save as boxplot (PDF)
3. The histogram with labels and title. Save as histogram (PDF)
4. The Asia Child Illiteracy plot with the line of best fit. Save as Plot (PDF)
Upload these 4 items to Canvas.