AMAC 650讲解、辅导Applied Computing、讲解Java/c++编程设计、Python,Java语言辅导 讲解数据库SQL|代

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Title AMAC 650 Applied Computing
Assessment Number and Version Assessment 1: Report
Prescription Version NA
Semester/Term & Year Term 2, 2019
Campus Auckland
Date 11/4/2019 Time allowed/Due Date

Learning Outcomes
1,2,4 Total Weighting 25%

Learning Outcome
LO4 Demonstrate proficiency in using a range of current business software applications.
Students will customise and integrate business software applications
Students will identify, extract process and format information to produce reports to aid in the decision-making processes of an organisation.
Instructions:This is an individual assignment
This assessment is based on a case study, which is provided in this document.
Answer all questions of this assignment, based on the case study.
Perform all mentioned tasks on the case study using different ICT tools. Use software of your choice whenever is required.
You need to submit this assignment to the online system before the due date.
For details on plagiarism and academic misconduct, please refer to the North Tec policies and procedures available online on the north Tec Moodle.
A penalty of 10% per day will incur for late submissions.
Tasks Details and Learning Outcomes Assessed
Task Topic Learning outcomes
Assessed Marks Your Marks
1 Proposing a solution 2 4
2 Solution development 1,2,4 12
3,4 Testing, integration, and documentation 1,2,4 10
Total 26

I declare that: (i) the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged; (ii) the piece of work, or a part of the piece of work has not been submitted for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration; and
I also acknowledge that I am aware of North Tec policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the North Tec website.?
Submitting this assignment to the online system means that I agree to the above declarations.
Case Study: Edwise Car Company
Edwise is a rapidly growing Car repairs and service company. They have asked you to identify their business requirements and design and develop a solution using software applications. This company wants to store all the information of its clients and employees. Work done for each client is to be saved with the employee name who serviced the client.

Records to be stored could include but not limited to:

Clients – name, address, contact details and opt-in (this tracks the clients who have subscribed to receive the monthly newsletter)
Employees – name, address, contact details, department, wage and position
Work done – date, invoice number, client, employee, problem, job done, employee hours and used parts

When each job is done the record needs to be saved into history of invoices for future reference purposes as a permanent record of job done and the price charged.

The supplier of the Car parts sends Edwise an updated list of the parts and the price in an excel file with information such as Item ID, Item Number, Item Name, Price, Item Description. This spread sheet must be dynamically integrated with the software application developed and should be used to record the work done details.

1.Integration of multiple applications
The resources for the client and employee should be created using word processor and must be named as Client.doc and Employee.doc. For the items list create an excel file and name it as Items.xlsx. You can adapt this data to suit the software application or supplement with your own resources. Integrate Client.doc, Employee.doc and Items.xlsx with the software application developed.

2.Data Security, integrity and validity
The software application developed must be secured against unauthorized use and must demonstrate data integrity principles and data validation.

3.Customisation of user interface
Design elements and formatting techniques must be used. Create data entry forms that enable recording of details such as work done, client served, employee who served the client, the item used, price of each part, total parts price and the total wage to be paid for the employee.
The company wishes to store the key details of the work done for audit purposes separately and give it a name Invoice. Each time a work done is entered via the form the records must be inserted into Invoice.

An invoice which is professional needs to be generated for each work done with the calculated fields in the report footer and which can be opened and printed directly from the form. Create reports for the company to aid in its decision to give a 6% discount to the clients who spend $400 or more and also to pay time and a half for all the employees who worked more than 40 hours in a week.

The software application developed must be fully tested to ensure that the outcome meets the business requirements prior to the release.


Create a query for the company to give pay bonus as an extra of 2.5 hours each for all of its employees.

7.Mail merge

Using word document create a letter by the name “Pay Raise”. This is the letter that you will send to all staff who earns less than $15 and are married advising them that their income has increased by 6%. The data for the mail merge must be populated using Access query.


Using word document create a newsletter by the name “Edwise Newsletter”. This is the newsletter that you will send to all clients who have opted-in to receive the newsletter advising a 15 – 20% discount on painting Car. The data for the newsletter must be populated using Access query.

********** End of the case study *********

Read the above case study and respond to the tasks given below.

Task 1: Proposing Business Solution (4 Marks)

Question 1.1 Propose a software application for each requirement that can solve/ or could be potentially used to solve the existing business problem of Edwise Car Company. (2 Marks)
Question 1.2 Justify your software solution for the mentioned problem in the case study. (2 Marks)
Task 2: Developing a Business Solution (12 Marks)

Question 2.1 Keeping in mind the requirements of the system, suggest a solution for the specified requirements.
A solution can be one integrated solution or different components working like a single system. You may use a blend of applications to address requirements.
You need to provide both requirement design, and requirement implementations (solution) for the case study. (2+10 marks)
Note: This might include handwritten diagrams or using any UML tool. You should supply the actual software solution in the form of different database, spreadsheets and word processing files.

Task 3: Testing a Business Solution (6 Marks)

Question 3.1 Test the business solution by:
a) Providing appropriate testing forms, report and sample data. (3 marks)
b) Appropriate implementation of the solutions in business and giving relevant examples (3 marks)
Note: For this section, you should supply test cases (at least three values) for testing of each element. The values must be inserted into the database, spreadsheets, and word documents.

Task 4: Document the Business Solution (4 Marks)
Question 4.1 Document your solution by writing a report.
Documentation of the report will contain information from the developer for the target users of how to use the software application, and how changes can be made. It will also provide technical guidance to the user of the application.