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ENG3047 Programming assignment 2019

The deadline for this assignment is: Wednesday 13th March at 16:00. Overview

You are required to solve two tasks, by using the knowledge and skills that you have gained in the last few weeks.

The first task is to present your work from Lab 3 and Lab 4 so that another engineer can understand your code and use it.

This is very important in real engineering projects, as different team members are assigned to the project at different

times. Poor handover is a significant risk to project success.

The second task is a 2D frame problem where you are given appropriate geometry, section properties, material properties,

loading and boundary conditions. The specific problem you will solve will depend on your student number, and I have

given you some code below which will specify which options you are to use for your assignment. It is very important you

use the options given to you by this function.

For task 1 you should provide Python code that demonstrates:

1. Your complete solution for Lab 3 and Lab 4 in one code box

2. That you understand what each step does, use the #note fuction for this.

3. An explanation for other users over the function for each step.

An understanding of what your results mean, by including a short discussion in a markdown box at the end of the

python script.


For task 2 you should provide Python code that demonstrates:

1. Local element displacements for each node in the structure.

2. Local element forces for each element of the structure.

3. An explanation for other users over the function for each step.

There are also marks available for demonstrating that you have validated your results for task 2 (displacements and

forces) by solving the equivalent problem in Robot or Mastan and making it very clear that your solutions match. Note, if

your solutions do not match then a thorough explanation of your python results could get you some marks, you should

demonstrate an appreciation of any displacments or forces that don't make sense.

Each task is worth 30 marks (60 marks total for assignment)

Marking scheme

Marks will be awarded for:

Correctness of your code (i.e. does your code give the right answer?)

Validation of your code (i.e. have you convinced me that your code is correct by comparing with Mastan, Robot?)

Readability (i.e. can I follow your code easily?) Note, a significant proportion of marks are available for readability, so

if you have messed up your code and get weird results then there is still hope for you with good explanations.

This assignment counts towards 15% of your overall ENG3079 grade.

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Deadline and submission details

The deadline for this assignment is: Wednesday 13th March at 16:00. I'm sure you've got a lot of other assignments, but

this gives you a month, so no griping to me

I do not mind if you write your code using an IPython Notebook or using a script (as you did for last year's programming


Submit all your relevant files on the ENG3079 moodle page. If you have more than 5 files, please zip these into one file

and then submit.

Task 1 (30 Marks)

Task 1 - a

Collate and present your code for Lab 3 in one code box in its own python notebook. Make sure to fully explain each step

using #. Compare your results with the given Mastan results. Save the file as "your student number_task1a"

Task 1 - b

Collate and present your code for Lab 4 in one code box in its own python notebook. Make sure to fully explain each step

using #. Compare your results with the given Mastan results. Save the file as "your student number_task1b"

Task 2 (30 marks)

Save the file as "your student number_task2"

Frame options

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Geometry and loading options

Here are the options that specify frame dimensions and loading. Note that if you are working with Option 4 above, you will

not need dimension b.

Option 1: a = 5.0m, b = 6.0m, L = 5.0m, P = 15.0kN

Option 2: a = 10.0m, b = 8.0m, L = 12.0m, P = 3.0kN

Option 3: a = 8.0m, b = 7.0m, L = 10.0m, P = 8.0kN

Specified material and section properties

All sections have a Young's Modulus of E=200GPa (steel)

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The second moment of area and section areas are specified as follows:

Section 1 ( ): Rectangular cross section with width=100mm, height = 300mm

Section 2 ( ): Circular hollow section with outer diameter=300mm and inner diameter = 270mm

Option generator

Use the function below to generate your assignment options for both problems. I have given you an example below on

how to use the random number generator with your student number.

In [6]: import random

def optionsGenerator(studentString):

formattedNumber = int(studentString.strip("0"))


question1_choices = []

choiceArray = [4,3] # 4 frame choices, 3 geometry/loading options

for c in choiceArray:


print('Task 2 options for student number {} are:'.format(studentString))

print('\nFrame option: {}'.format(question1_choices[0]))

print('Geometry and loading option: {}\n'.format(question1_choices[1]))

question2_choices = []

choiceArray = [2,3] # 2 section choices, 3 geometry/loading options

for c in choiceArray:


#print('Question 2 options are:'.format(studentString))

#print('\nSection option: {}'.format(question2_choices[0]))

#print('Geometry and loading option: {}'.format(question2_choices[1]))

Now you can generate your required choices by running this function with only the numeric part of your student ID:

In [7]: optionsGenerator('213722') # Simply change the number here to your student numbe

r (without the last letter) to generate your choices

Last modified by ATM on 04/02/2019

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