代写COMPX322-23A: Assignment Three
- 首页 >> Algorithm 算法COMPX322-23A: Assignment Three
Due Date: Monday May 22nd, 10 am
Web Services: REST API for Project Management Application
For this coursework you are required to implement REST API for the Project Management
Application, which allows users to manage their projects. You will use:
• HTTP Verbs to make request
• HTTP Response codes to indicate status
• MySQL database
• Node.js and Express.js back-end
Application Description
This is a simple Node.js RESTful CRUD API using Express to interact with a MySQL
database. This RESTful API should be able to respond to the following requests:
• Create new projects and save it back to the database.
• Get list of all projects available in the database.
• Get projects by Project ID.
• Get projects by Project Name.
• Update project information by Project ID.
• Delete project by Project ID.
• Delete all projects from the database.
You have been provided with a skeleton implementation on Moodle, along with a
ProjectsDatabase.sql file to create the database table.
You should extend the skeleton code rather than develop a completely new solution
yourself. For the directory of your assignment implementation, use restful-assn3.
What you need to do:
1. Download the skeleton code. In the terminal, run npm install to install all the
required dependencies.
2. Review server.js to understand how the Express web-server has been setup.
3. In the config directory, copy db.config.js.in file to db.config.js, and replace the
username, password and database entries with your own credentials.
4. Ingest ProjectsDatabase.sql, into your MySQL instance, to create a projects table
with five rows inserted in the table.
5. In the models directory, in the projects.model.js file, expand upon the minimal
constructor for Project that is provided, and use the database connection to write
CRUD functions:
You need to support the following functions [user query() method]:
• Create Projects
• Retrieve All Projects
• Retrieve Projects by ID
• Retrieve Projects by Project Name
• Update Projects by ID
• Delete Projects by ID
• Delete All Projects
6. In the routes directory, in a projects.routes.js file, set all the endpoints.
7. In controller folder, in projects.controller.js file, write the controllers with CRUD
8. Test API using POSTMAN.
What to Submit and How
All pertinent material you have developed for this assignment must be submitted
electronically using Moodle. The submitted files must be sufficient to recreate your app
by running npm install followed by npm start. Do not include your node_modules
directory, as this is not needed to reconstitute your project using npm install.
Moreover, it could contain binaries files specific to the computer platform you
developed the assignment on that are incompatible with the computer system used to
test your submitted assignment solution.
You may choose between submitting a ZIP file or a ‘tar-ball’ (.tar.gz). For the former, use
the name restful-assn4.zip and restful-assn4.tar.gz for the latter. See the Week 8 Lab
Exercise for instructions on how to ‘tar up’ your files, if you are unfamiliar with this
option. Marks will be deducted for submitted assignments that do meet these
In the COMPX322 Moodle site, you will see an Assignment 3 hyperlink to the submission
page. This link allows you to upload your tar.gz/zip file. You can do this as many times as
you want up to the submission deadline for the assignment.
When you submit a file, Moodle will ask you to confirm that what you have submitted is
your own work, and will provide you with a ‘receipt’ that establishes that you have
indeed submitted something. No other mechanism for submission will be accepted.
How Your Work will be Assessed
The assignment will be marked out of 50 as follows:
API meets functional requirements:
• Create Projects
• Retrieve All Projects
• Retrieve projects by Project ID
• Retrieve projects by Project Name
• Update projects by Project ID
• Delete projects by Project ID
• Delete all Projects
35 marks
Set up the Routes 5 marks
API Testing using Postman
Include indicative comments in the code for each RESTful ‘noun’
you have implemented, as to the testing you have done with
5 marks
Code is clearly formatted and commented 5 marks
The deduction for incorrectly submitted files is capped at 2 marks.