代写CCS310 Chinese Rhetoric in Comparative Perspective代写留学生Matlab语言
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Chinese Rhetoric in Comparative Perspective
Department of China Studies Stage 4 | Level 3
SECTION A: Basic Information
Brief Introduction to the Module
This module is designed as an introduction to the Chinese traditions ofthe art and craft ofpersuasive writing and speech from a comparative pers pective. It willprovide students with an overview ofthe historical development and socio-linguistic significance of rhetoric in China through compa risons with Western traditions.
Key Module Information
Module name |
Module code |
Credit value |
Semesterin which t he module is taught |
Pre-requisites needed for the mod ule |
Chinese Rhetoric in Comparative Per spective |
CCS310 |
5 |
SEM2 |
N/A |
Programmes on which the module is shared |
BAChina Studies |
SECTION B: What You Can Expect from the Module
Educational Aims of the Module
The module will emphasise the investigation of culture-specific forms of argumentation and the evolution of rhetorical devices. It will utilise excerpt s from classicaltexts, literature, and selected addresses fromprominent twentieth-century Chinese and Western speakers to analyse the diference s in the style. and purposes ofpersuasive writing and speech. Students will acquire competence in discerning specific features oftwo rhetoricaltra ditions and learn to construct and defend culturally compelling arguments.
Learning Outcomes
Students completing the module should be able to:
A Demonstrate knowledge ofthe development of rhetoric in China and the West
B Show understanding ofthe diferences between the rhetorical strategies applied in diferent social, cultural and historical contexts
C Demonstrate an in-depth understanding ofthe relationship between language and cultural values
D Construct and defend culturally-compelling arguments
E Demonstrate academic skills in oral and written communication
Methods of Learning and Teaching
Lectures willprovide an overview ofthe weekly topic. Seminars willprovide an opportunity for students to discuss concepts and their applicabilit y, analyse the text and speech, and learn how to apply acquired skills for better reasoning and debate. The virtual learning environment will be use d to help students to engage with module content.