代做ESS 101 B Sp 23: Introduction To Geology And Societal Impacts代写数据结构语言
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Examination 1
Question 1
Which of statements below are correct regarding scientific observations of the solar system, which support the contention that the sun and planets formed from a rotating, disk-shaped, nebular dust cloud?
(There are 2 correct answers)
The planets are aligned with the Sun's equatorial plane
The planets are not aligned with the Sun's equatorial plane
The planets revolve in a counter-clockwise direction around the sun
The planets revolve in a clockwise direction around the sun
Most of the planets and their moons rotate on their axes in a clockwise direction
Question 2
Meteorites that strike the earth may be composed of ____________?
(Select the 3 correct answers)
Oxide minerals
Chondritic (silicate minerals)
Sulfide minerals
Question 3
Which of the following statements are not true regarding S-waves as they propagate through the earth.
(Select the 2 correct answers below)
S waves are completely absorbed in the asthenosphere
S waves are faster than P waves
S waves refract as they propagate through different density materials
S waves are also described as shear waves
S waves are absorbed in the liquid outer core
Question 4
Which of the sources of heat listed below were not important to the differentiation of the earth into compositional zones?
(2 answers are correct)
background thermal heating from residual "Big Bang" energy
kinetic energy of impacting planetesimals
radioactive decay of natural radioactive elements
compressional heating as earth gained mass
solar heating
Question 5
Transform. plate boundaries are typically associated with ___________.
convergent margins where the descending plates speeds up during subduction
convergent margins where the descending plates slows down during subduction
divergent margins where the rate of spreading is different along segments of the spreading ridge
divergent margins where the rate of spreading is the same along segments of the spreading ridge
collisional margins where plates are being thrust over one another
Question 6
Which of the following statements are not correct related to the compositional zonation of the earth? (There are 2 correct answers)
the earth became compositionally zoned when the sun first formed
the earth is not compositionally zoned
the densest compositional zones are in the earth's interior
the earth became compositionally zoned after the melting temperature of iron was reached
the earth's atmosphere and oceans formed during differentiation and degassing
Question 7
Match the magma/lava type with the appropriate geographic/tectonic setting where it is found.
ocean-ocean convergence andesite
Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalt
ocean-continent convergence granite
Question 8
Special Reading 1
Most of what is known about the Earth’s early planetary history comes from _____________. More than one answer may be correct.
(Three answers are correct).
comparing Earth to its planetary neighbors, Venus and Mars
Studying other planetary systems using the Hubble telescope
Directly drilling through the Earth's crust to its core
the sparse geologic record from 3.5 billion years ago
computer models of atmospheres changing with time
Question 9
Which of the following plate motions would not likely occur in the future?
East Africa will diverge from Central Africa forming a small ocean basin
The Juan de Fuca plate will become smaller as the rate of seafloor spreading is less than the rate of its consumption at the subduction zone
The Isthmus of Panama will open and North America will separate from South America
western California will be displaced southward towards Mexico along a transform. fault
The Mediterranean Sea will close as the African Plate converges with the Eurasian Plate
Question 10
Match the structure within the subduction zone with the appropriate geographic feature in Washington State (shown on the figure below).
Olympic Mountains Accretionary Wedge
Puget Lowland Forearc Basin
Columbia Plateau Backarc Basin
Question 11
Which of the following statements are correct regarding preservation of the earth's magnetic field signature within magnetite crystals contained in a basalt flow erupted and solidified at the earth's North Pole today?
(there are 2 correct answers)
the magnetite crystals will have a steep inclination
the magnetite crystals will have a low inclination
the magnetite crystals will possess a normal (north) polarity
magnetite crystals will be arranged haphazardly within the crystallized basalt flow
the magnetite crystals will possess a reversed (south) polarity
Question 12
Refer to the image below to answer the following question.
Which seismic wave(s) is recorded by seismograph located a 155° angular distance from the epicenter of the above earthquake?
surface waves
S waves only
No seismic waves are recorded
P and S waves
P waves only
Question 13
Where are minerals naturally produced on earth?
(choose the 2 correct answers)
crystallization of magma
from wood fiber in a tree
in a scientific laboratory
in a clam shell
precipitation from and aqueous solution
Question 14
The diagram below shows the evolution of the San Andreas Fault system that first formed along the western margin of North America shortly after 30 million years ago when the leading edge of the spreading ridge was subducted under North American plate at the latitude of California. Which of the following statements are true regarding the evolution of the San Andreas Fault system and subduction of the spreading ridge? 3 answers are correct.
the asthenosphere convection cell now lies west of California in the Pacific Ocean basin
Broad uplift of the Colorado Plateau and downcutting by the Colorado River (creation of the Grand Canyon) is related to heating of the North American plate
Basin and range extension tectonics is related to the underlying upwelling of the asthenosphere
the asthenosphere convection cell now lies under Nevada and Utah (east of California.
Cascade volcanism in Oregon and Washington is related to subduction of the spreading ridge under California
Question 15
The cause of volcanism observed in the Cascades is most similar to that of ________.
the European Alps
Andes Mountains
the Ural Mountains
Question 16
Which of the following cannot be explained by plate tectonics?
The presence of volcanic mid ocean ridges
Volcanic mountain chains around the Pacific Ocean basin
The inclination of the earth's magnetic field
The matching coastlines of Europe and Africa and North America and South America
Spatial distribution of most earthquakes
Question 17
Which of the following statements are not true regarding continental collision tectonic margins?
(select the 2 correct answers)
basaltic volcanism will be common
andesitic volcanism will be common
marine sedimentary (ocean floor) rocks will be uplifted
granitic plutons will form. at depth
high mountain ranges will form. in the center of continents
Question 18
Match the traits that are characteristic of the magma compositions shown below:
High Viscosity Felsic
Form. shield volcanoes Mafic
Explosive eruptions Felsic
Low melting temperatures Mafic
High Mg/Fe content Mafic
Produced at mid-ocean ridges Mafic
Question 19
What evidence have geophysicists used to indicate that the core is metallic and has a liquid component?
(There are two correct answers)
the presence of the earth’s magnetic field
seismic wave studies, specifically the S-wave shadow zone
the presence of iridium in the outer core
convection in the outer core drives plate tectonics
a segment of the metallic core has been brought to the surface along deep kimberlite dikes
Question 20
What gases escaped from the Earth’s atmosphere into space during the early differentiation of the Earth?
(There are 2 correct answers)
carbon dioxide
water vapor
Question 21
Metals generally have _________ melting and boiling points are _________ conductors of heat and electricity?
low, poor
none of the other answers are correct
low, good
high, good
high, poor
Question 22
In the 2nd special reading it was proposed that the 20,000 year climate cycle in East Africa that ranges from extreme aridity to very wet conditions is driven by _________.
Sunspot cycles
None of the other answers are correct
Changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun
El Nino upwelling cycles in the west Pacific Ocean
Cyclical magma upwelling along the East African rift zone
Question 23
Water (H2O) melts at a very low temperature because the water molecules are held together within the crystal structure by ____________ bonds.
strong covalent bonds
strong metallic
strong ionic
weak Van der Waal
weak ionic
Question 24
Why does quartz not exhibit a well-defined 6-sided crystal structure in the rock granite?
it has lowest melting/freezing temperature and is last mineral to crystallize
it has the lowest melting/freezing temperature and is the first to crystallize
it has the highest melting/freezing temperature and is the last mineral to crystallize
it has the highest melting/freezing temperature and is the first to crystallize
none of the other answers are corrects, as quartz form. 6-sided crystals in the rock granite
Question 25
What mineral group is most important for the production of drywall used in residential home construction?
Question 26
Look at the image below of the mineral amphibole. Note that 2 of the oxygen atoms are shared between 50% adjacent tetrahedra and 3 oxygen atoms are shared for the other 50% of the tetrahedra with covalent bonds.
What is the ratio of Si:O in the double chain amphibole mineral structure?
Question 27
Which mineral group provides most of the world's economic lead (Pb) for battery production?
Question 28
Why does Ca-rich plagioclase develop cleavage planes yet it is a framework silicate mineral with all its oxygen atoms shared between tetrahedra?
this mineral is not a silicate mineral and consists of weak ionic bonds between the oxygen atoms
this mineral may have an Al atom in its tetrahedra which requires additional ionic bonds with Ca atoms
none of the other answers are correct
this mineral does not cleave
the mineral cleaves between covalent bonds separating sheet pairs
Question 29
Which of the following statements are correct regarding silicate tetrahedron? (Choose the 3 correct answers).
it has a net charge of -4
it is the least common mineral group comprising the crust and mantle
it is bonded with covalent bonds within the tetrahedron
1 silicon atom is bonded with 4 oxygen atoms
it is bonded with van der waal bonds within the tetrahedron
Question 30
How do scientists explain the presence of heavy elements, such as iron and nickel comprising planets in our solar system?
the heavy elements are remnants from the original Big Bang formation event of our Universe
none of the other answers are correct
heavy elements were produced within the planets during differentiation
the heavy elements formed during a super nova event during the death of a pre-existing star
heavy metal were produced in our sun and expelled by the solar wind
Question 31
Match the source rock with the magma type produced from partial melting of that source rock.
partial melt of asthenosphere basaltic magma
partial melt of subducting ocean crust and marine sediments andesitic magma
partial melt of continental crust granitic magma
Question 32
Answer the question below based on the diagram showing partial melting in the earth mantle (asthenosphere).
Which of the following statements are correct based on the information shown in the above diagram.
(3 answers are correct)
the rising magma will solidify before it reaches the surface
the rising magma will have temperature of about 1400°C when it reaches the surface
the rising magma's actual temperature was same as its melting temperature where it first started melting
the rising magma will have a temperature of less than 1100° C when it reaches the surface
the rising magma will become more liquid as it rises towards the surface
Question 33
A porphyritic (volcanic) rock has 0% quartz, 60% plagioclase, 40% amphibole and 10% pyroxene. What would the rock be called according to the chart?
Question 34
What criteria are most conducive for a volcanic eruption to cause climatic cooling? (2 answers are correct)
ejecta erupted into the stratosphere
volcanic eruptions near equatorial latitudes
volcanic eruptions near the polar latitudes
ejecta erupted into the troposphere
volcanic eruption that occur under water
Question 35
The attached image is an obsidian sample. Why does obsidian appear dark when it is largely comprised of amorphous silica glass
the silica glass has trace magnetite crystals present
the silica glass has entrained burned iron deposits
obsidian is composed of pure amphibole that gives it its dark color
obsidian is actually basalt that cooled quickly in water
obsidian is actually iron-magnesium rich composition
Question 36
Which two igneous rocks listed below are classified based on their porous textures?
(multiple answer question)
volcanic breccia
Question 37
Use this photo to answer questions. There are three minerals shown in this porphyritic andesite: a) small black minerals, b) larger white minerals, c) smaller minerals in the gray matrix.
Of the following options, which lists the minerals in order of which crystallized FIRST to which crystallized LAST?
B, A, C
A, B, C
C, B, A
B, C, A
C, A, B
A, C, B
Question 38
Match the mineral with the diagnostic property that is most useful for its identification.
biotite breaks into black flexib
hematite leaves a reddish-brown
quartz glassy luster, breaks al
amphibole dark green prismatic cr
Question 39
Which of the following statements are correct regarding shield volcanoes? (There are 3 correct answers)
Magma is typically basaltic compostion.
Magma is typically andesitic composition.
Their slope angle ranges between 7-10°.
Their slope angle ranges between 25-35°.°.
They form. above mantle hotspots below the ocean floor
The form. above subduction zones.
Question 40
Which of the following arrangements of minerals are compatible? In other words, which of the below arrangements would you expect to see in an igneous rock? (there are 2 correct answers).
Potassium Feldspar, Pyroxene, Biotite
Olivine, Biotite, Plagioclase
Amphibole, Pyroxene, Quartz
Potassium Feldspar, Muscovite, Amphibole
Quartz, Olivine, Amphibole