代做LW6108E International Finance: Law and Regulation A/Y 2024-25代写Processing
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LW6108E International Finance: Law and Regulation A/Y 2024-25, Semester A City University of Hong KongSchool of Law
Writing Assignment
You are attached to the legal department of an Asian investment bank in Hong Kong. They are interested in the recent appeal decision of The Law Debenture Trust Corporation plc v Ukraine [2023] UKSC 11, on how the Supreme Court dealt with the appeal on the issues of (a) lack of capacity (b) authority (c) economic duress.
Specifically, analyse critically for your colleagues whether English common law remains a suitable choice of law in light of the need of stability and certainty to ensure liquidity of the international financial markets.
This writing assignment counts for 20% of the final grade.
Submission is by CANVAS. Deadline is 5 pm on Wednesday, 20 November 2024.
Use this naming convention: TA?_StudentID.docx. Hence if your student ID is 54321111 and you are in tutorial group TA3, name your document TA3_ 54321111.docx.
Unless there are valid extenuating circumstances under the Academic Regulations, late submission of paper attracts the following penalty: deduction of 5 marks for every single day (including public holidays) of delay up to maximum 7 days. Papers received later than 7 days of the submission deadline will not be marked.
The essay (including footnotes) must not exceed 2,000 words. The parts of the essay in excess of the word limit will not be read. Use the essay template available for download from CANVAS (See Files | Assignment (folder)).
Your essay should adopt the following format:
Font type and size: Times New Roman/Calibri/Cambria, font size 12 for main text, and font size 10 for footnotes;
Line spacing: Double spacing for main text, and single spacing for footnotes;
Use footnotes and not endnotes. References are important – for they indicate the source of the authority/proposition. If you are using a commentator’s views
you must provide due acknowledgement.
While citing authorities in footnotes, you must follow the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (2012)Links to an external site.. (Copy available in Assignment folder)
A very stern view is taken of plagiarism. You are referred to the Rules of Academic Honesty and have been duly warned of the severe consequences that attend plagiarism. (Copy available in Assignment_Matters folder)