代做CEG8419: Individual Report (2)调试SPSS

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CEG8419: Individual Report (2)

This is the brief for the 2nd piece of individual coursework for CEG8419.

This assessment focus on the use and application of GIS within the context of transport.

This assessment is worth 40% of the final module mark.

Part 1: Output from the Network Analysis GIS practical (30%)

Include a suitable map of an analysis output from the Network Analysis practical (full instructions in practical handout). Think about the how you can best present the output (map of travel time from Newcastle Airport), in terms of the use of colour and making sure the map is easy to understand. You should consider the use of symbology, scale, and an appropriate legend in your map.

Part 2: An essay on how GIS can be used in transport modelling (70%)

GIS is a powerful tool with many options for analysis for transport  applications, alongside capabilities for visualising data that can help with transport planning and policy. Undertake some research to explore the role and application of GIS in transport planning processes, either in the UK or elsewhere in the world. You should consider the kind of applications within transport, the datasets that can assist with transport analysis in GIS, and the types of analysis undertaken in the examples you find.

Write a short essay, max 1,500 words, which explores your findings and discusses the role GIS tools can play in the transport sector.

Submission Details:

Submit your assignment as a single A4 PDF document

Ensure the essay is well-organised and professionally written with appropriate referencing, formatting, and figures.

Submission deadline: 22nd November, 2024

Expected return of individual  feedback  (via CANVAS)  and marks by 20th December

Assessment Criteria:

Your assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Part 1

Analysis results in the map are understandable and clear

Good use of colour and appropriate symbology

Appropriate metadata is included on the map for a reader (e.g. data sources and copyright).

Part 2

Good evidence of research being undertaken into different uses of GIS (e.g. a range of difference sources/references)

A range of examples of how GIS has been used in the transport context are given and are clear and easy to follow.

A clear understanding of GIS and underlying data is shown throughout.

It’s well written, easy to follow and well-structured with a good use of English throughout
