代写Instruction for Class Activity 2代做Python语言

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Instruction for Class Activity 2 (Coding)

Due date:Oct 14 Monday 2:00 PM

Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster.

Start here and predict survival on the Titanic and get familiar with ML basics.


Build the following models:

● kernel


● LR


● DT

● RF

 Naive Bayes

●    Preprocessing: anything you think is necessary. You can refer to the codes in the blog for data preprocessing, for example: advanced data-preprocessing

●     Find the best parameters using Grid Search (skip if no tunable parameters), train the model with train set, and predict the test set.

- From gender_submission.csv, find true or actual label for each passenger

●    Evaluation metric: classification report and confusion matrix of training and testing results for each model.

● One PDF page summary report: Prepare a summary of your results.

● Please submit both IPYNB (.ipynb) and PDF files (.pdf)
