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Module’s Information:




August 2024



Summary of Coursework Breakdown:

(as stated in course structure)


Description of coursework

Learning Outcomes covered

Marks allocated


Individual Assignment




Group Assignment









Penalty for late submission:

1 day – minus 20% of total mark awarded

2 days – minus 50% of total mark awarded

3 days – 0 mark for this piece of coursework

Coursework #1:  Individual Assignment

Module’s Information:




August 2024



Coursework Type

Individual Assignment



Schedule Date

Week 4 (9/9/2024)

Due Date

Week 7 (3/10/2024)

Learning Outcomes Assessed:


Evaluate software engineering key principles appropriately for obtaining a solution for system development issues. (C4, PLO2)

Description of Coursework #1:


A Wilderness Weather Station

This case study is based on the software for a wilderness weather station that collects weather information in remote areas that do not have local infrastructure (power, communications, roads, etc.). These weather stations are part of a national weather information system that is intended to capture and analyze detailed weather information to help understand both local and national climate change and to support the national weather forecasting service.

Figure 1.The weather station’s environment

1. The weather station system: - This is responsible for collecting weather data, carrying

out some initial data processing and transmitting it to the data management system.

2. The data management and archiving system: - This system collects the data from all of the wilderness weather stations, carries out data processing and analysis and archives the data in a form. that can be retrieved by other systems, such as weather

forecasting systems.

3. The station maintenance system: - This system can communicate by satellite with all

wilderness weather stations to monitor the health of these systems and provide reports of problems. It can update the embedded software in these systems. In the event of system problems, this system can also be used to remotely control a wilderness weather system.

The important characteristic of the weather station is that it has to be entirely self-contained as power and communications are not available. It may also be deployed far from a road so access for repairs is difficult and expensive. This means that the system has to have its own power generation capability (using either solar panels or wind power), communicates via satellite and must be able to reconfigure itself to cope with problems with the instruments and software upgrades. The software is embedded in that it is part of a wider hardware/software system but the timing requirements are such that very fast responses are not required. Therefore, it need not be based on one of the architectural styles for real-time systems.

Use of this case study to :-

· Discuss more general issues of systems engineering – the need for some kinds of system to be entirely self-contained, the notion of power management in situations where available power is restricted, the idea of remote dynamic reconfiguration, where the system software is changed by remote interaction.

· Developed and illustrate object-oriented development and it is well-suited to this as the instruments in the system can be represented as objects as can the data that is collected and uploaded to the weather information system is accurate.

· Use cases can be developed showing the different interactions between the wilderness weather system and the weather information system.

· Formal specification is required value for this system to monitor the instruments, power and communication hardware and report faults to the management system. Manage the system power, ensuring that batteries are charged whenever the environmental conditions permit but also that generators are shut down in potentially damaging weather conditions, such as high wind.

· Allow for dynamic reconfiguration where parts of the software are replaced with new versions and where backup instruments are switched into the system in the event of system failure.

· Based on dependability assurance, weather stations have to be self-contained and unattended, this means that the software installed is complex, even although the data collection functionality is fairly simple. Discuss the specification of the control algorithm can be used to solve the problem by applying software engineering principles.

· Discuss general issues of safety and safety-critical systems. Your discussion should focus on issues of dependability specification and the use of formal specification techniques in dependable system engineering method.


1. This is an individual assignment. This assignment paper will range between 10 to 15 pages.

2. This assignment will contribute 20% of your overall marks for this subject.

3. All reports must have a table of content

4. Each report must have a bibliography and appropriate references and citation.

5. Penalties will apply to late work, except in the case of protracted (and certified) illness.

6. You are required to produce your own work.  Any references must follow the standard format of citation.  Discussion of the result and conclusion must be in your own words. Take note that PLAGIARISM may result in a FAIL grade.

7. Student need to conduct an “original research” of the company.  Please do not copy and paste from the website.  Students are required to submit their work to Safe Assign and generate (print) the result with:

· Total index less than 20%

· Each individual index less than 3%


· Refer and implement the report format guideline below for the documentation:

· Use A4 size paper, each page of your essay should be printed single sided.

· All referenced research/ phrases must be well documented as footnote.

· Remember to include a content page together with the course cover sheet.

· Adhere to the following word processing requirements:

i. All heading should be capitalized, bold and left-aligned.

ii. All paragraphs must be fully justified with 1.5 line spacing.

iii. All text must be typed in font type "Arial", size 12.

iv. Make sure you insert page number in the footer section of each page.

v. Remember to spell check your report.

vi. Margin for each page as follow (use Microsoft Word):

Top              : 2.5 cm

Bottom : 2.0 cm

Left              : 2.0 cm

Right : 1.5 cm

Footer : 1.25 cm

Header : 1.25 cm

§ For the reference page, please separate the resources according to group of sources such as Website References, Book References, and Other References. All references must be cited using Harvard Referencing System. DO NOT refer to Wikipedia.
