代写Assignment #2 Part I: (Crazy Eddie HTML project)调试R语言程序

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Assignment #2

Part I: (Crazy Eddie HTML project):

Graded: YES (makes 20% of the Assignment 2 grade)

A submission that reflects a good-faith effort on your part earns a “meets standard” grade (check the Assignment 2 grading rubric). There will be a separate grade for the WordPress component (Part II) of this assignment, that carries 80% of this Assignment total grade.

Resource: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp

A company called Crazy Eddie Electronics has come to us in need of help. Crazy Eddie would like to move his business into the 21st century, but he doesn’t know how. He knows he wants to build a website, but he doesn’t know the first thing about how to do this. He has decided to crowdsource this problem to the students of AD648, and he’ll give $1 million USD to the person who can design the best site for Crazy Eddie Electronics.

Eddie has some very particular design specifications that he needs you to follow. They are:

1. Inside the body of the document, be sure to add the following information:

a. Crazy Eddie’s store location

b. Crazy Eddie’s store hours

c. Crazy Eddie’s store contact information

2. Crazy Eddie apparently likes pictures, and he has asked that you please include at least three pictures on your site. Include three pictures of electronics items for sale. These pics should be from somewhere on the web.

3. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include at least six paragraphs on the page that describe items that are sold in his store. Remember, he is a little bit crazy. He wants each of these paragraphs to be written in a separate font, with a separate color, and in a separate size. You do not need to write long paragraphs -- one sentence per paragraph is fine. In HTML, paragraphs go between the and tags.

4. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include at least two lists on the page. These lists can be ordered or unordered. Assignment #2

5. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include a table on your page. You can use this to describe anything related to his business.

6. Crazy Eddie is so crazy that he’s guaranteeing that he can be beat the prices of any competitor. He’s so confident that he can beat their prices, he has asked you to include links to three of his competitors somewhere on the site.

To submit this assignment, you’ll upload your .HTML file into Blackboard. If Blackboard doesn’t allow you to upload it, you can try uploading it as a .ZIP file instead. Here is a link 4 Ways to Make a Zip File - wikiHow to a tutorial about making a .ZIP file.

The most important things to keep in mind for this assignment:

● The goal of this assignment is to expose you to HTML and web design -- not to stress you out. Any truly good-faith effort to learn from this and have some fun in the process will earn you a good credit for this part of the assignment. This is not a website design class. Even if none of your HTML seems to be working, just submit what you’ve done, and you will receive credit.

○ NONE of this must be realistic. “Mars” is a completely fine store location.

● Sublime Text is free to download, and a good tool to use for making and editing an HTML file. So is Text Wrangler. Both are completely free HTML editors. They are awesome. If you use TextEdit, expect formatting problems. When using a program like Sublime Text, you can use the “Save As” feature to indicate that your file should be an HTML file. Save it to your desktop, or another folder that you use often. When you click on the name of the file, it will open in a browser.

● Every question you could possibly have (e.g. How do I put a list on a web page? What about a table?) can be answered here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp . You can also e-mail Prof. Tomic or your assigned Facilitator anytime with any question.

● Each student is required to submit his/her own Crazy Eddie page, but by all means, use any resource available to you -- other students in the class, Google searches, the “Crazy Eddie FAQ” video on our class Blackboard site, etc.

This is some HTML code to get you started -- you may run into formatting problems if you copy and paste this, so I suggest typing it instead:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Title of the document</title>



The content of the document......



Part II (Completely separate from Crazy Eddie):

Graded: YES (makes 80% of the Assignment 2 grade)

We are continuing with building your free web site. In WordPress, you have the option to add extra features to your site by adding Widgets. (You can find a list of available widgets by clicking on the word “Appearance” while editing your site from the Administration screen/menu).

I. Add any three widgets to your site. Note: there have been recent changes to WordPress, so the exact steps you take to be able to add widgets may vary. If you run into any trouble adding widgets, try a Google search -- there are many tutorials that show this process. Be resourceful. You can try here for example: https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/

II. Why did you choose these three widgets? Explain your choices in a written paragraph (there are no right or wrong answers here, as this is a chance for you to explore your options and add to your site).

III. Upload your paragraph, along with the link to your site, as a doc or a PDF (separately from Crazy Eddie). Include a link to your site.

Compliance with BU academic code is expected. Formatting is important, practice using APA 7h edition student style. More information will be shared in class. When naming the document follow the naming instructions (below) BEFORE submitting the work to Blackboard.
