代做Examining the SEO Influencing Factors Determining Customer Intention of Ordering Food on Food Deli

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Dissertation title:

Examining the SEO Influencing Factors Determining Customer Intention of Ordering Food on Food Delivery Apps


1. The impact of SEO technological factors on people's attitude towards search results on food delivery apps.

2. Whether consumers have a purchase intention after viewing SEO-optimised search results?


H1(a): Performance expectancy has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(b): Expected effort has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(c): Social influence has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(d): Facilitating conditions has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(e): Hedonic motivation has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(f): Price value has positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H1(g): Habit has a positive direct effect on attitude toward search result.

H2: Attitude toward search result has a positive direct effect on purchase intention
