代做STAT3016/6016 - Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis Test 1 - Practice Paper C代做留学生Matlab编程
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Test 1 - Practice Paper C
STAT3016/6016 - Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
Problem 1 [8 marks]
The Poisson-Gamma distribution is sometimes used as the sampling model assumption for observed count data that shows more dispersion than predicted under a Poisson model. Consider the data model PoissonGamma(a, b) (i = 1, ..., n). The probability density function of the Poisson-Gamma distribution is
where a > 0 and b > 0
Suppose that the parameters (a, b) are assigned the joint non-informative prior distribution proportional to 1/(ab)2 .
(a) [1 mark] Is the joint non-informative prior distribution p(a, b) / 1/(ab)2 a
proper or improper prior distribution? Give a reason for your answer.
(b) [1 mark] Suppose we consider transforming the parameters by taking the natural logarithm of a and b respectively. Define θ 1 = loge a and θ2 = loge b. Suggest one reason why such a transformation might be of interest.
(c) [2 marks] Derive the prior density in terms of (θ1 , θ2). That is, findp(θ1 , θ2). [Hint: you will need to apply the method of transformations technique for a bivariate density to derive the joint prior density of the transformed parameters]
(d) [2 marks] Derive the joint posterior distribution p(θ1 , θ2 jy1, ..., yn) up to a proportionality constant (that is, ignoring any normalising constant).
(e) [1 mark] The joint posterior density in part (d) is not a standard density that can be sampled directly from. What approximation approach could you use to obtain 1000 posterior draws of (θ1 , θ2 )? (Note, you only need to provide the name of the approximation method, not describe how you would implement it)
(f) [1 mark] Suppose you have generated 1000 posterior draws of (θ1 , θ2) from the target posterior density derived in part (d). Describe how you would use the simulated posterior sample to obtain 90% interval estimates for the parameters a and b.
Problem 2 [7 marks]
In the recent literature, the Poisson distribution has been used to model COVID-19 death counts. Valid estimation of the death rate relies on the availability of accurate data on COVID-19 death counts. In some regions in the world, the accuracy of reported COVID-19 death counts is questionable. We are going to build a Bayesian model to estimate the death rate parameter due to COVID-19 using a Poisson sampling model but also allow for possible under-reporting of death counts.
Let y1, ..., yn be the reported daily death counts for Region A for n diferent days. Let z1 , ..., zn be the true (unreported) death counts, the sampling model assumption is Pois(λ). (Note, in this question we assume there is no over-reporting of death counts, just under-reporting so yi ≤ zi.)
(a) [2 marks] Assume yi = zi (i = 1, ..., n). So there is no under-reporting of death counts. Define a prior distribution for λ and derive the posterior distribution of λ with your chosen prior. (Note, you do not need to provide specific hyperparameter values in your chosen prior assumption).
(b) [3 marks] Now we want to adjust our model for the possibility of under-reporting. The true rate of under-reporting is not known but it is assumed that the reported death count yi is at least 80% of the true death count zi (for i = 1, ..., n). That is, the under-reporting rate is at most 20%.
Give the posterior distribution of λ up to a proportionality constant (that is, ignoring any nor- malising constant), under this revised model
(c) [2 marks] Describe in words how we could use the posterior distribution in (b) to predict the unobserved true death counts zi.