代写Project 2 EECS 370
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Project 2 EECS 370 (Fall 2023)
Worth: 100 Points Point Allocation
Assigned: Saturday, September 16th
Part 2A Due: 11:55 PM ET, Thursday, October 5th 40 Points
Part 2L Due: 11:55 PM ET, Thursday, October 26th 60 Points
0. Starter Code
For Project 2A, the assembler, you have 2 choices: build off your project 1a assembler OR start
with the starter code, which will be updated after all project 1a submissions have been collected.
For project 2L, the LC2K linker starter code is meant to help you read in and parse object files. It
is probably a good idea to break it up into different functions, but is a good place to get started.
1. Purpose
The purpose of this project is to help you understand the assembling and linking process, which
we can utilize to create multi-file LC2K programs. In order to do this, we will first create a new
assembler (P2A) which will take an assembly file as input and output an intermediate object file.
Our linker (P2L) will take object file(s) as input and create the final machine code.
In Project 1a, you wrote an assembler which took an LC2K assembly file as input and produced
an executable file as output. This approach is fine if all the code needed is contained in one file,
but what happens if we want to use other pieces of code? Libraries contain functions that make
coding easier, and are often written in assembly and stored as object files. Splitting code into
multiple files encourages modularity and organization. Multiple files are also important for large
projects: if you modify one source file, you only need to recompile and reassemble that one and
then link everything together, greatly reducing the total time to create an executable. Now that
we have a better understanding of translation software, we can create a separate assembler and
Here is an example that will help explain the purpose of the linker:
1 lw 0 1 five ; $1 = 5
Here, we have two basic programs. main.as loads $1 with 5 . We then call the subOne
function. We then decrement the value of 5 and return to main.as until our result is 0 . Even
though main.as tries to call subOne.as without knowing at assemble time where it is defined
(since it is in a separate file), our program will still work.
The linked result would look like this:
Note: The linker will take in object files and produce a machine code file with the linking process.
Assembly files are neither an input nor output. This is just an example of how linking would look
lw 0 4 SubAdr ; Store address of SubAdr
start jalr 4 7 ; Store return address and jump to
beq 0 1 done ; Finish if $1 == 0
beq 0 0 start ; Otherwise continue (keep calling
done halt
five .fill 5
subOne lw 0 2 neg1 ; $2 = -1
add 1 2 1 ; $1 = $1 - 1
jalr 7 6 ; Jump back to where we were called
from (main.as)
neg1 .fill -1
SubAdr .fill subOne ; Define where our function
definition starts
lw 0 1 five ; $1 = 5
lw 0 4 SubAdr ; Store address of SubAdr
start jalr 4 7 ; Store return address and jump to
beq 0 1 done ; Finish if $1 == 0
beq 0 0 start ; Otherwise continue (keep calling
done halt
subOne lw 0 2 neg1 ; $2 = -1
add 1 2 1 ; $1 = $1 - 1
jalr 7 6 ; Jump back to where we were called
from (main.as)
five .fill 5
neg1 .fill -1
SubAdr .fill subOne ; Define where our function
definition starts
2. Problem
[[assembly files]] -assembler--> [[object files]] -linker--> [executable]
This project has two parts. In the first part, you will create a program that assembles an assembly
file into an object file. The P2A assembler is an extension of the P1A assembler. The key
distinction for P2A is that instead of outputting a machine code ( mc ) file, you will output an
object ( obj ) file which contains additional information to assist in the linking process: a header,
a symbol table, and a relocation table. In the second part, you will write a program to link object
files into a single executable consisting of machine code, which your project 1 simulator will be
able to run.
3. Assembler (40 points)
Your new assembler will take in a single assembly file (see section 3.1) as input and output a
single object file (see section 3.2).
So far we have created an assembler which can translate assembly language into machine code.
However, let’s consider a basic program that prints “Hello World”:
If we were to compile this into assembly, we would need to branch to the printf() function and
execute the code at that memory location. This is great because we don’t need to rewrite
printf every time we create a new project, we can just #include
current assembler can’t handle undefined references. To fix this, we are going to create an
assembler that allows for external references (i.e. references to labels that are NOT defined in the
file) and a program called the linker to resolve those undefined external references.
3.1. Assembly Files
3.1.1 Assembly File Format
int main(){
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
Assembly language programs will be of the same format as those from Project 1, with a few extra
The first part of the assembly file must contain only assembly instructions. The second part
should contain only .fill assembler directives. For example, suppose an assembly file is
composed of M instructions and N .fill s. Lines 0 to (M-1) contain actual instructions, and lines
M to (M+N-1) contain .fill s, with no mixing between them. We refer to all of our instructions
as belonging to the Text section of our program. Moreover, everything that contains a .fill
statement is considered to be in the Data section of our program. It is important that all of your
test cases separate these two sections such that no .fill directives are in the Text section and
no instructions are in the Data section. Below the data section is the Stack , which is initially
empty; for an instruction to access the stack, e.g load a word from the stack, we will use the label
Stack to denote the start of the stack section.
3.1.2 Local and Global Labels
LC2K files may now use global symbolic addresses, which means we must now distinguish
between local and global labels. The scope of a local label is the file the label is defined in. (This
is analagous to a variable or function with the static keyword in C. The scope of a local variable
in C is at most a function.) The scope of a global label is all object files linked together (more on
this in part 2l). Because of this, different object files can use local labels with the same name and
still be linked together. Local labels will start with a lowercase letter [a, b , ... , z] while
global labels start with a capital letter [A, B, ..., Z] . This is unique to LC2K as a way to
distinguish between local and global labels. For example, staddr is a local label whereas Staddr
is a global label.
Local symbolic addresses must be defined at assembly time. However, a global symbolic address
can be undefined at assembly time. It is assumed that undefined global labels are defined in
another file to be resolved at link time, so they should be temporarily resolved as address 0 in
the text and data segments. Defined symbolic addresses should be resolved exactly as they were
in Project 1. That is, it is entirely possible that a global label is defined and referenced in the same
file; if this is the case, the label should be resolved just like a local label. The Stack label should
be treated as an undefined global label for the purposes of the assembler.
Just like P1A, you can assume assembly files max out at 65536 total instructions and data,
although we’ll test you on much, much less than that. As suggested in the starter code, you may
assume that no input LC2K file is more than 1000 lines.
3.1.3 LC2K Peculiarities Part 1
Firstly, if a beq instruction contains a symbolic address, the label it refers to must be a locally
defined label. This label can be either a local or global label. A beq should not branch to another
file, and a programmer should use jalr in this case.
Secondly, in LC2K, loading or storing to an absolute address no longer makes much sense. The
locations of data and text within the final executable file will likely be different than in the
original object file, leading to unintended execution. While this isn’t something we will enforce
with error checking, it is recommended that labels are used when dealing with loads and stores.
In reality, there are reasons to use absolute addressing: memory mapped IO for example (if
you’re curious about this, take EECS 373 shameless plug) or cache analysis (see Project 4). If you
come across a label with a constant offset, assemble as in Project 1.
Thirdly, local labels should not be included in the symbol table. However, a local symbolic
address does need a relocation table entry as the address of the local label might change. These
addresses can be fixed by calculating the new local label location during linking.
3.1.4 Summary
In summary, assembly file formatting rules are:
1. Do not mix instructions with directives ( .fill s)
2. Instructions come first
3. Directives ( .fill s) come second
4. Defined symbolic addresses (defined local and global labels) are resolved exactly as they
were in the Project 1 assembler
5. Undefined global symbolic addresses are temporarily resolved as address 0
6. Local labels start with a…z and must be defined at assembly
7. Global labels start with A…Z and can be undefined at assembly
8. Branches cannot use undefined global symbolic addresses
3.2 Object File Format
Object files will contain the following sections in the following order:
Symbol table
Relocation table
** Refer to lecture, lab, and walkthrough for a detailed explanation of each section. **
Table 1: Object file sections
Number of lines Description
Header Fixed: 1
The Header contains the size, in lines, of the sections
to follow. Sizes are listed in the following order, each
separated by a space: Text , Data , Symbol table,
Relocation table.
Variable: t
t = # of instr.
Each line in the Text segment consists of a single
machine code instruction, assembled in the same way
as instructions in Project 1.
Variable: d
d = # of .fills
The Data segment contains data stored by
assembler directives, one word of data per line.
Variable: s
s = # of locallydefined global
labels + # of
Unresolved global
Each line in the Symbol table consists of a global
label, one letter (T/D/U) corresponding to Text ,
Data , and Undefined respectively, and a line offset
from the start of the T/D section (0 if the letter was
‘U’). Each value separated by a space, in that order.
Each symbol should only appear once in the symbol
table, even if it is used multiple Times. Entries can
appear in any order.
Variable: r
r = # of uses of
excluding beq
Each line in the Relocation table consists of a line
offset from the start of the T/D section (whichever
section the symbol was used in), an opcode, and a
label. Each separated by a space, in that order. Entries
can appear in any order.
Consider the example:
{ : data-title=”main.as”}
The following symbol table is produced:
lw 0 1 five ; $1 = 5
lw 0 4 SubAdr ; Store address of SubAdr
start jalr 4 7 ; Store return address and jump to
beq 0 1 done ; Finish if $1 == 0
beq 0 0 start ; Otherwise continue (keep calling
done halt
five .fill 5
SubAdr is added to the symbol table as it is a global label used as an argument
The following relocation table is produced:
0 lw five is added to the relocation table as the memory address of five will be changed
during linking. 1 lw SubAdr is added to the relocation table as the memory address of SubAdr
will be determined during linking.
Note: We don’t add beq instructions to the relocation table as those can only branch to text
inside that same file and since beq is PC relative, no update is needed.
1. Assembly code in text should be assembled EXACTLY as it was for project 1. This means
symbolic addresses are resolved the same, with the exception of undefined global symbolic
addresses which are temporarily assembled as 0.
2. Offsets in the Symbol and Relocation Tables indicate the line offset of the label from the start
of either the Text or the Data section (whichever section the label is defined in for the
symbol table, and whichever section the instruction instruction or .fill appears in for the
relocation table).
For example, the symbol table entry Foo D 0 indicates the label Foo is defined on the zeroth
line in the Data section. The relocation table entry 4 lw Foo indicates the symbolic address Foo
is used on the fourth line (zero indexed) of the Text section by a lw instruction.
3.3 Error Checking
Your assembler should catch the following errors in assembly files:
Use of undefined local symbolic addresses
beq using an undefined symbolic address
Duplicate definition of labels
offsetFields that don’t fit in 16 bits
Unrecognized opcodes
Illegal register operands (i.e. not an integer or not within [0,7] )
Your assembler should exit(1) if it detects an error and exit(0) if it finishes without detecting
any errors. Your assembler should NOT catch simulation time or link time errors, i.e. errors that
would occur at the time the assembly-language program is linked or executed (e.g. branching to
address -1, infinite loops, etc.).
SubAdr U O ;
0 lw five
1 lw SubAdr
3.4 Assembly example
Please see section 9 example 2a.
3.5 Running Your Assembler
Write your program to take two command-line arguments. The first argument is the filename
where the assembly-language program is stored, and the second argument is the filename where
the output (the object file) will be written. For example, with a program name of assembler , an
assembly-language program in program.as , the following would generate an object file
program.obj :
./assembler program.as program.obj
Note that the format for running the assembler must use command-line arguments for the file
names (rather than standard input and standard output). Your program should store only object
files in the format specified above. Any deviation from this format (e.g. extra spaces or empty
lines) will render your object file ungradable. Any other output that you want the program to
generate (e.g. debugging output) can be printed to standard output or standard error.
3.6 Using the Instructor Project 1a Solution
The instructor project 1a solution, released after the final student submission of project 1a, is a
compiled object file ( inst_p1a_obj.
modifications. The instructor solution does not check for undefined labels of any type, and
instead resolves them to 0. Otherwise, all machine code is correctly translated and all other
project 1a error checks will exit correctly. After downloading the starter code and renaming
starter_assembler.c to assembler.c , you can compile assembler.c and link with
inst_p1a_obj.o using gcc assembler.c inst_p1a_obj.o , and run the executable on an LC2K
assembly code file.
If you choose to use the instructor object file, beware of the following particulars: First, this
object file is only officially supported on CAEN systems since it was compiled on a CAEN system
similar to the autograder servers. If you are not already in the habit of testing your projects on
CAEN, it is recommended to follow setup guide from EECS 280. Also, this object file does not
contain debug information so that instructors can protect the instructor project 1a solution. This
means that debugging with a visual debugger or GDB will only show you what is happening in
your assembler.c . It also does not print anything to stdout, so print debugging will not be as
helpful as if you use your project 1a code. Finally, if you choose to use the starter Makefile ,
make sure to change the compilation dependecies in there to link with the instructor project 1a
3.7 Test Cases
The test cases for the assembler part of this project will be short assembly-language programs
that serve as input to an assembler. You will submit your suite of test cases together with your
assembler, and we will grade your test suite according to how thoroughly it exercises an
assembler. Each test case may be at most 50 lines long, and your test suite may contain up to 20
test cases. These limits are much larger than those needed for full credit. See section 7 for how
your test suite will be graded.
4. Linker (60 points)
Now that you’ve written an assembler to create object files, you need a way to link these files
together. In this part of the project, you will write a linker to combine multiple object files into a
single executable. This final executable can be run with the simulator from project 1.
4.1 LC2K linker description
Your linker should be able to take an arbitrary number (between 1 and 6) of object files as input.
It will concatenate all text and data segments within each object file, creating one unified
executable. Segments should be combined in the order they appear as arguments. The
combined text section should be placed before the combined data section. Then, for each object
file, the linker iterates through their relocation table. For each relocation entry, the linker
determines the location of the label in the combined file and fixes the reference. The final
executable will be a machine code file.
4.2 What about main() ?
You might be asking yourself, what will be executed first? Shouldn’t there be a main() function
or label?
To simplify the process of linking and simulating, LC2K code is executed starting at the first line in
a machine code file (memory address 0). In order to specify what object file should execute first,
ordering of the linker’s arguments is needed. This means that our main will be the first file
provided to the linker.
Hint: The example assembly-language program (Example 2a) in section 9 is a good case
to include in your test suite, though you’ll need to write more test cases to fully test your
code and receive credit on the autograder. Remember to create some test cases that test
the ability of an assembler to check for the errors in section 3.3.
./linker file_0.obj file_1.obj ... file_N.obj machine_code.mc
The single executable from the above command will be laid out according to the diagram below.
This is assuming we are linking N files together, where file_0 is the first file passed into our linker
and file_N is the last file passed into our linker.
For more information on the linker’s command line arguments, please see section 4.7. For more
information on how linkers actually handle this, see section 4.4.
4.3 Stack Label
As discussed in lecture, programs build up stack frames as they execute. The stack is important
for storing data that can’t fit within a machine’s registers, such as a function’s local data. As seen
in the below example, this is done in LC2K by using a global label Stack .
Here is a small LC2K program that uses a subroutine call. It takes an argument in register 1 and
calls a subroutine to compute the quantity 4*input . Register 1 is used to pass input to the
subroutine; register 3 is used by the subroutine to pass the result back. The current top-of-stack
(first empty location) is given by Stack + the contents of register 5.
main.as - Line highlighted jumps to the code in file sub4n.as
_______ machine_code.mc __________
lw 0 1 input $1 = memory[input]
lw 0 4 SubAdr prepare to call sub4n. $4 =
jalr 4 7 call sub4n; $7 = return address;
$3 = answer
input .fill 10
sub4n.as - Lines highlighted are addressing the stack
In LC2K, the Stack label is a special label inserted by the linker that should not be defined by
any object file, but it can be used as a symbolic address. The stack array starts at the implicit label
Stack and extends to larger addresses, which is why the linker automatically resolves the Stack
label beyond the text and data segments in the final executable. For example, if there are M
instructions and N pieces of data in the final executable, the linker should resolve the symbolic
address, Stack , as (M + N). This allows the stack to grow to higher addresses without affecting
the instructions or data.
4.4 LC2K Peculiarities Part 2
Programming languages often specify where to begin executing. In reality, a linker typically
inserts an object file into the linking process. This inserted code appears first and jumps to a
specified function ( main ) to begin executing the program, among doing other things. The LC2K
method of ordering files during the linking process to indicate what to execute first is a
LC2K also lacks an instruction that jumps to labels while saving the return address. Instead, jalr
jumps to registers that hold function addresses (so the register is a function pointer). This means
that a function can have a local label, yet still be accessible from other files, so long as the
function pointer is global. Linking should still succeed in this case.
Additionally, LC2K’s use of the Stack label doesn’t reflect how all assembly languages use the
stack. ARMv7, for example, has special instructions such as push and pop that directly interface
with the stack, providing a layer of abstraction to assembly programmers. The stack is typically
allocated by an operating system that passes the stack pointer to an executing program.
sub4n lw 0 6 pos1 r6 = 1
sw 5 7 Stack save return address on stack
add 5 6 5 increment stack pointer
sw 5 1 Stack save input on stack
add 5 6 5 increment stack pointer
add 1 1 1 compute 2*input
add 1 1 3 compute 4*input into return value
lw 0 6 neg1 r6 = -1
add 5 6 5 decrement stack pointer
lw 5 1 Stack recover original input
add 5 6 5 decrement stack pointer
lw 5 7 Stack recover original return address
jalr 7 4 return. r4 is not restored.
pos1 .fill 1
neg1 .fill -1
SubAdr .fill sub4n contains the address of sub4n
4.5 Error Checking
Your linker should catch the following errors:
Duplicate defined global labels
Undefined global labels
Stack label defined by an object file
Your linker can assume that any object file used as input is properly formatted.
4.6 Tip - Local Labels
Fixing local symbolic addresses during linking can be tricky, since we don’t have symbol table
entries associated with them. It might help to store certain data for each file read in: text size,
data size, text starting location (in final mc), and data starting location (in final mc). By also
storing which file each relocation table entry is in, you should have all the data needed to adjust
each local symbolic address.
Actually fixing a local symbolic address in the relocation involves several steps. First, identify
which section of the file the label is in, either text or data. Second, parse the original symbolic
address value from the instruction referenced by the relocation entry. Fix this value by adding an
offset to the address, to account for the new location of the local label.
4.7 Linker Example
Please see section 9 example 2l.
4.8 Running Your Linker
Write your program to take N command-line arguments, where N >= 2. The first argument is the
object file to execute first, arguments 2 through N-1 are additional object files (these are not
required), and the Nth argument is the filename where the machine code will be written. For
example, with a program name of linker and an assembly-language program in prog_1.obj
and prog_2.obj , the machine code file prog.mc will be generated with this command:
Do note that you can expect your linker to be tested on linking more than two files together. If
you want to test linking with more than two files, supply more than two object files as
The number of object files your linker must be able to link together is between 1 and 6. If a
program is self-contained within one object file, your linker should still be able to translate it into
a machine code file. We will not test you on linking more than 6 object files.
./linker prog_1.obj prog_2.obj prog.mc
Note that the format for running the linker must use command-line arguments for file names
(rather than standard input and standard output). Your program should store only machine code
in the format specified above. Any deviation from this format (e.g. extra spaces or empty lines)
will render your machine code file ungradable. Any other output that you want the program to
generate (e.g. debugging output) can be printed to standard output or standard error.
4.9 Test Cases
Test cases for the linker part of this project will be short, valid assembly-language programs that,
after being assembled into object files, serve as input to a linker. You will submit a suite of test
cases together with your linker, and we will grade your test suite according to how thoroughly it
exercises an LC2K linker. Each test assembly file may be at most 50 lines long, and your test suite
may contain up to 20 test cases. A test can contain no more than 6 assembly files to be linked
together. These limits are much larger than needed for full credit. See Section 7 for how your test
suite will be graded.
A naming scheme is needed to specify what test assembly files should be linked together. A
single “test” refers to a group of 1 or more assembly files to be linked together. The naming
scheme is as follows.
All tests with the same
angled brackets or spaces in the test name). An underscore character, ‘_’, separates the test name
and the assembly file’s number (do not include angled brackets or curly brackets in the number).
Assembly files within the same test should be numbered starting at zero, with the zeroth
assembly file being the first code to be executed.
The following testcases:
Will be assembled and then linked by the autograder as follows:
test_0.as test_1.as test_2.as anotherTest_0.as anotherTest_1.as
./linker test_0.obj test_1.obj test_2.obj test.mc
./linker anotherTest_0.obj anotherTest_1.obj anotherTest.mc
DO NOT use more than one underscore in your test case names. We will not grade your
test case if you do. File names CANNOT have spaces in them, or any character besides
letters, numbers, 1 underscore, and 1 period.
Remember to create some test cases that test the ability of a linker to check for the
5. Compiling the Project
Your code will be compiled with the GCC compiler using the C99 standard. The following bash
command compiles program.c and writes the executable into program. You are allowed to use
any standard C libraries which compile with the specified flags below.
gcc -std=c99
6. Grading, Auto-Grading, and Formatting
We will grade primarily on functionality, including error handling, correct assembly, and
comprehensiveness of the test suites.
To help you validate your project, your submission will be graded automatically, and the result
will be available on the autograder. You may then continue to work on the project and re-submit.
To deter you from using the autograder as a debugger, you will receive feedback from the
autograder only for the first THREE SUBMISSIONS for each project part on any given day. All
subsequent submissions will be silently graded (this means the submission will be graded, but
you will not have access to the grade nor the results of your submission). Your final score will be
derived from your overall best submission to the autograder, including silent submissions.
The feedback from the autograder will not be very illuminating; it won’t tell you where your
problem is or give you the test programs. The purpose of the autograder is to let you know that
you should keep working on your project (rather than thinking it’s perfect and ending up with a
0). The best way to debug your program is to generate your own test cases, figure out the
correct answers, and compare your program’s output to the correct answer. This is also one of
the best ways to learn the concepts in the project.
The student suites of test cases will be graded according to how thoroughly they test both the
assembler (for part 2a) and linker (for part 2l). We will judge thoroughness of the test suites by
how well they expose potential bugs. That is, the test suites are graded based on how many of
the buggy assemblers / linkers were exposed by at least one test case. This is known as “mutation
testing” in the research literature on automated testing.
For the assembler test suite, the auto-grader will use each test case as input to a set of buggy
assemblers. A test case exposes a buggy assembler by causing it to generate a different answer
from a correct assembler. Your test suite is run on 12 buggy assemblers. To receive all Mutation
Testing points A total of 4 points, your test suite must expose at least 10/12 of the buggy
errors in Section 4.5.
For the linker test suite, the auto-grader will first assemble the test files and use them as input to
a set of buggy linkers. A test case exposes a buggy linker by causing it to generate a different
answer from a correct linker. Test cases must use the naming scheme specified in section 4.9.
Your test suite is run on 10 buggy linkers. To receive all Mutation Testing points A total of 7
points, your test suite must expose at least 7/10 of the buggy linkers.
7. Turning in the Project
Use autograder.io to submit your files. You have been added as a student to the class, so you
should see EECS 370 listed as a class.
Here are the files you should submit for each project part:
1. assembler (part 2a)
a. C program for your assembler called "assembler.c"
b. Suite of test cases. (Each test case is an assembly-language program
in a separate file, ending in `.as`, `.s`, or `.lc2k`. Test case names should
include letters, numbers, underscores, and periods.)
2. linker (part 2l)
a. C program for your linker called "linker.c"
b. Suite of test cases (each test case is a set of assembly-language programs
using the naming scheme specified in [section 4.9]).
8. Sample Test Cases
Example 2a
Here is a multi-file assembly-language program that counts down from 5, stopping when it hits
0, and then halts:
main.as :
subone.as :
lw 0 1 five ; $1 = 5
lw 0 4 SubAdr ; Store address of SubAdr
start jalr 4 7 ; Store return address and jump to
beq 0 1 done ; Finish if $1 == 0
beq 0 0 start ; Otherwise continue (keep calling
done halt
five .fill 5
And here are the corresponding object files afte