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CS2106: Introduction to Operating Systems
Lab Assignment 3 (A3)
Synchronization Problems in Unix
The deadline of submission through LumiNUS: Wed, 20 Oct, 2pm
The total weightage is 8% + [Bonus 2%]:
• Exercise 1: 1 % [Lab demo exercise]
• Exercise 2: 1 %
• Exercise 3: 2 %
• Exercise 4: 2 %
• Exercise 5: 2 %
• Exercise 6: 2 % (Bonus)
You must ensure the exercises work properly on the SoC Compute Cluster,
hostnames: xcne0 – xcne7, Ubuntu 20.04, x86_64, gcc 9.3.0.
Section 1. Introduction
When writing a program that uses multiple threads, ensuring correct execution
often requires some form of synchronisation. On most Unix-like operating
systems, POSIX threads, or more commonly known as pthreads, is the usual
threading library to use.
Many synchronisation primitives are available in the pthreads library (such as
mutexes, barriers, and condition variables), and they are declared in the
header file. Semaphores are also available in the pthreads library,
and are declared in . Semaphores are regarded as the
fundamental building block of any synchronisation mechanism, since all the
synchronisation primitives can be built on top of semaphores.
In this lab, you’ll be solving two synchronisation problems (split into Sections 2
and 3 below) by implementing your own constructs. In Section 2, you are only
allowed to use semaphores; but in Section 3, you are allowed to use any
synchronisation mechanism (except busy waiting).
To help you focus on the implementation of synchronisation mechanisms, a
driver file (named ex<#>.c) has been provided for you. The driver file contains
the main() function, and handles reading from the input file, spawning all the
threads, and printing out the events that occur. Your task will be implementing
functions that the driver calls.
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Lab directory structure:
The skeleton code for each exercise is placed in a separate folder. In Section
2, the driver code for exercises 1 and 2 are identical. In Section 3, the driver
code for exercises 4, 5, and 6 are identical.
Test cases in this writeup
In this writeup, you will find many test cases for the various exercises. Input
text are left-aligned, output text are right-aligned, and parenthesised text in
small font are comments (that are not visible when running your program).
Reminder for Mac users
Please note that POSIX semaphores do not work on macOS. Compiling
programs with semaphores generally does not throw an error, but the
semaphore functions will silently fail. We strongly recommend that you work
on this lab using the SoC Compute Cluster.
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Section 2. Ball Packing
There are a total of three exercises (ex1 to ex3) in this section. You may only
use POSIX semaphores (i.e., those in , such as
sem_wait()/sem_post()) for this section. You are not allowed to use any
other synchronisation mechanism, including those in , nor
busy waiting.
2.1. Problem Setup
You are the manager of a factory that manufactures coloured balls. Each ball
comes in one of three colours – red, green, or blue. The balls are to be packed
into boxes of N balls each (where N is at least 2), and all balls in a box must
have the same colour. The balls enter the packing area at arbitrary times, and
they should stay at the packing area until there are N balls of the same colour.
When there are N balls of the same colour, those N balls should be immediately
released (at the same time) from the packing area.
Each ball has a unique id and is modelled as a thread. You are to implement a
synchronisation mechanism to block each ball until it can be released from the
packing area.
In each exercise, you will find the following files:
(do not modify)
Used to compile your files. Just run make.
(do not modify)
Prewritten driver file.
(It will be replaced when grading)
(do not modify)
Prewritten header file. Defines function prototypes.
packer.c Implement your synchronisation mechanisms here.
You should only modify packer.c. Changes to all other files will be discarded,
and the driver file will be replaced with a different version for grading.
Compiling and running the exercises
To compile the exercises, run make in the ex1-3 subdirectory. You will not be
penalized for warnings, but you are strongly encouraged to resolve all warnings.
You are also advised to use valgrind to make sure your program is free of
memory errors.
To run the exercises, simply run:
$ ./ex[1, 2, or 3] < [test program]
where [test program] is an input file for the driver program. Please see the
next section for the expected input format. You can also use stdin to input
commands manually.
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Driver input format
The driver program takes input from stdin. You are encouraged to write test
commands into a file, and use input redirection to feed the test file to the driver
program. We have also provided several sample test files for each exercise.
The driver program expects the following input format:
The first line contains a single integer, N, specifying the number of balls in each
box (N >= 2).
Subsequent lines are in one of the following forms:
– this is a command indicating that a ball with the given
colour and id has arrived at the packing area
• . – a literal period indicates a synchronisation point for the driver (see
below for details)
You can make the following assumptions about the input we will use for
- It is guaranteed that at the end of the input, all balls can be packed (i.e.,
there should be no balls remaining in the packing area).
- All balls in one simulation run will have unique ids.
- The input file is less than 1000 lines long.
Parallelism in the driver
As per the input format above, input commands (i.e., balls arriving in the
packing area) are separated by synchronisation points. The driver batches
together all commands until it encounters a synchronisation point or EOF, and
then it executes those commands simultaneously in parallel (each ball gets its
own thread). The driver is designed to execute those commands at maximum
Note that the output of your program may be nondeterministic when multiple
balls arrive at the same time. This is because when multiple balls arrive at the
same time, any one of them might be processed first (e.g., to complete a box).
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2.2. Exercise 1 (1% demo OR 1% submission)
In this first exercise, we impose a few more constraints on the problem setup
to simplify your implementation:
• N = 2 (i.e., balls are packed in pairs)
• There will be at most two balls of each colour in the entire simulation.
Note that this means that there will be at most 6 balls in the entire simulation,
and at most one box of balls of each colour.
Functions you need to implement:
• void packer_init(void);
This function is called once at the start of the program. Use this
function to perform any necessary setup (e.g., allocate global variables
and semaphores).
• void packer_destroy(void);
This function is called once at the end of the program. Use this
function to free allocated resources that persist throughout the
• int pack_ball(int colour, int id);
This function is called when a ball enters the packing area, giving the
colour and id of this ball. The colour is an integer between 1 and 3
inclusive, giving the colour of the ball (encoded as an integer). The id
of a ball may be any integer. This function should block until there is
another ball of the same colour entering the area. When that happens,
this function should return the id of the other ball that should be
packed with it in the same box.
As stated in the assumptions, it is guaranteed that no two balls will have the
same id. However, ids are arbitrary and may not be issued monotonically.
Below are some test cases to help you understand the requirements and test
your code. However, you are strongly encouraged to come up with more test
cases. Note that due to non-determinism, your output may differ from the
example runs below.
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Example sequential test case (ex1/seq_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 14
2 12
2 12345
Ball 12 was matched with ball 12345
Ball 12345 was matched with ball 12
3 333
1 25
Ball 25 was matched with ball 14
Ball 14 was matched with ball 25
3 87878
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 333 was matched with ball 87878
Ball 87878 was matched with ball 333
Since there is a period (‘.’) separating every command, all the commands are
executed sequentially, allowing balls to be matched (if any) before issuing the
next command.
The line “Ball X was matched with ball Y” indicates that the pack_ball()
invocation by ball X has returned and your synchronisation mechanism has
decided that balls X and Y should go into the same box.
Note: The output for each of the two balls in a matched pair may be printed in
either order. Both outputs are correct.
Note 2: The driver will pause for 100ms after each ‘.’ to wait for balls to be
matched. There is a possibility that 100ms is not long enough for the balls to
be matched, especially if your system has a high load. Based on our testing on
the SoC compute cluster, we do not expect this to happen. In the unlikely event
that this actually happens, you can try increasing the time limit of the usleep()
call in the driver. You should also check your solutions for deadlocks, as they
could be a reason for not seeing the desired output.
Note 3: The very first integer in the input is the value of N, and it is always “2”
for this exercise.
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Example parallel test case (ex1/par_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 180
1 335
2 121
Ball 335 was matched with ball 180
Ball 180 was matched with ball 335
3 456
2 455
3 457
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 121 was matched with ball 455
Ball 456 was matched with ball 457
Ball 457 was matched with ball 456
Ball 455 was matched with ball 121
Commands that are not separated by periods are batched together, meaning
that pack_ball() will be called on each arriving ball concurrently. You need to
ensure that your synchronisation mechanism handles these cases.
Example tiny test case (ex1/tiny_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 1
1 2
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 1 was matched with ball 2
Ball 2 was matched with ball 1
This test case highlights that it is not necessary to receive exactly two balls of
each colour. It could be possible to receive zero balls of some colours. Note
that it is impossible to only receive one ball of some colour, because that would
violate the guarantee that all balls can be packed at the end of the simulation.
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2.3. Exercise 2 (1%)
In this exercise, we still have the constraint that N = 2. However, there may
now be more than two balls of each colour. As such, you will need to be careful
about which balls, amongst those of the same colour, get packed. In particular,
a ball that arrives earlier than another ball of the same colour must be packed
no later than that other ball. (Remember that when we say that ball A “arrives
earlier” than ball B, it means that the command for ball A appears before the
command for ball B and is separated by at least one synchronisation point.)
As this exercise is a superset of exercise 1, all test cases from exercise 1 are
also valid for exercise 2.
The driver and header files for exercise 2 are identical to those from exercise 1.
Here is an example to illustrate this requirement:
Example ordering test case (ex2/order_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 101
1 102
1 103
. (Since ball 101 arrived before balls 102 and 103, ball 101 must be packed with one of them.
Either ball 102 or ball 103 may be chosen to be packed with ball 101.)
Ball 101 was matched with ball 102
Ball 102 was matched with ball 101
1 104
1 105
. (The remaining unpaired ball (ball 103) must be packed with either ball 104 or 105.)
Ball 103 was matched with ball 105
Ball 105 was matched with ball 103
1 106
1 107
1 108
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
(The remaining unpaired ball (ball 104) may be paired with any of the three new balls.)
Ball 106 was matched with ball 108
Ball 108 was matched with ball 106
Ball 104 was matched with ball 107
Ball 107 was matched with ball 104
Below are some other test cases to check your work. You are strongly
encouraged to test your code with more test cases on your own.
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Example sequential test case (ex2/seq_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 123
2 11
1 456
Ball 123 was matched with ball 456
Ball 456 was matched with ball 123
2 1000
Ball 11 was matched with ball 1000
Ball 1000 was matched with ball 11
3 145
3 144
Ball 145 was matched with ball 144
Ball 144 was matched with ball 145
3 2000
2 2001
1 2002
3 2003
Ball 2000 was matched with ball 2003
Ball 2003 was matched with ball 2000
2 43
Ball 2001 was matched with ball 43
Ball 43 was matched with ball 2001
1 5
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 2002 was matched with ball 5
Ball 5 was matched with ball 2002
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Example parallel test case (ex2/par_test.in)
Input Possible output
1 101
2 102
3 103
1 104
3 105
Ball 103 was matched with ball 105
Ball 101 was matched with ball 104
Ball 104 was matched with ball 101
Ball 105 was matched with ball 103
2 106
2 107
Ball 102 was matched with ball 107
Ball 107 was matched with ball 102
2 108
2 109
Ball 106 was matched with ball 109
Ball 109 was matched with ball 106
2 110
2 111
1 112
3 113
1 114
Ball 108 was matched with ball 110
Ball 110 was matched with ball 108
Ball 114 was matched with ball 112
Ball 112 was matched with ball 114
3 115
Ball 113 was matched with ball 115
Ball 115 was matched with ball 113
2 116
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 111 was matched with ball 116
Ball 116 was matched with ball 111
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2.4. Exercise 3 (1%)
In this exercise, we no longer have the constraint that N = 2. This means that
the number of balls to be packed in each box may be any integer at least 2. For
grading purposes, we guarantee that N is no more than 64. POSIX semaphores
on the SoC Compute Cluster can be incremented to a value of more than 64
without issue, so you do not need to worry about semaphore limits.
As this exercise is a superset of exercise 2, all test cases from exercises 1 and
2 are also valid for exercise 3. You are recommended to test your code with
those test cases as well.
There are some changes to the API between the driver and your code, to allow
returning the ids of all the other balls to be packed together. Specifically, the
pack_ball() function now has the following signature:
• void pack_ball(int colour, int id, int *other_ids);
The colour and id of the arriving ball are provided to you in the same
way. The other_ids parameter points to an array of length N−1, and
you should write the ids of the N−1 other balls that should be packed
with this ball into the array before returning from this function. Those
N−1 ids may be written in any order. (Note that the array has length
N−1 because you do not include the id of the current ball itself.)
Notice that instead of returning the id of the other ball via the return value, we
are now returning the ids of the other balls via an output array parameter. Note
that like previous exercises, you can still assume that all balls have unique ids.
Also note that other_ids points to memory that is owned by the driver – you do
not need to allocate extra memory to pass the N−1 ids.
The driver for exercise 3 is modified from that of exercise 2, to handle the
varying value of N and the different API. However, the behaviour of this driver
is very similar to that of the previous exercises.
Example test case (ex3/test.in)
Input Possible output
1 123
1 234
1 111
3 561
1 323
1 888
Ball 123 was matched with balls 234, 323, 888
Ball 234 was matched with balls 323, 888, 123
Ball 323 was matched with balls 234, 888, 123
Ball 888 was matched with balls 234, 323, 123
2 606
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2 607
2 608
2 609
2 610
2 611
2 612
2 613
2 614
2 615
Ball 611 was matched with balls 614, 610, 615
Ball 610 was matched with balls 614, 615, 611
Ball 615 was matched with balls 614, 610, 611
Ball 614 was matched with balls 610, 615, 611
Ball 607 was matched with balls 609, 613, 612
Ball 613 was matched with balls 609, 612, 607
Ball 612 was matched with balls 609, 613, 607
Ball 609 was matched with balls 613, 612, 607
3 616
3 432
1 700
2 708
1 705
1 360
2 370
3 380
(Ctrl+D pressed to end input stream)
Ball 561 was matched with balls 432, 616, 380
Ball 608 was matched with balls 606, 708, 370
Ball 616 was matched with balls 432, 380, 561
Ball 606 was matched with balls 708, 370, 608
Ball 111 was matched with balls 700, 705, 360
Ball 708 was matched with balls 606, 370, 608
Ball 432 was matched with balls 616, 380, 561
Ball 705 was matched with balls 700, 360, 111
Ball 370 was matched with balls 606, 708, 608
Ball 700 was matched with balls 705, 360, 111
Ball 380 was matched with balls 432, 616, 561
Ball 360 was matched with balls 700, 705, 111
Note that the number of balls per box, N, is given at the very start of the input
file, and it is fixed for the entire simulation.
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Section 3. Restaurant
There are a total of three exercises (ex4 to ex6) in this section. Exercise 6 is
a bonus exercise. In this section, you may use any synchronisation primitives
from and . This includes pthread mutexes, barriers,
and condition variables. However, it is possible to solve all exercises with only
Note that you are not allowed to use busy waiting.
3.1. Problem Setup
You operate a busy restaurant in the populous city of Singapore. There are
many tables in your restaurant, and each table has 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 seats. Groups
of people (where each group has 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 people) queue up outside your
restaurant, waiting to be seated. You need to assign a table to each arriving
group or keep them in the queue if there are no available tables for them. After
a group has finished their meal, they will vacate the table that they have been
assigned, and you can assign the vacated table to another group in the queue.
Each of the three exercises in this section comes with varying rules for how
tables are to be assigned to groups. Each group is modelled as a thread, and
you are to implement a synchronisation mechanism to queue the groups up and
assign them to tables.
In each exercise, you will find the following files:
(do not modify)
Used to compile your files. Just run make.
(do not modify)
Prewritten driver file.
(It will be replaced when grading)
restaurant.h Prewritten header file. You may add fields to the struct
group_state definition, but you are not to modify the
function declarations.
restaurant.c Implement your synchronisation mechanism here.
You synchronisation mechanism should be implemented in restaurant.c. You
may add fields to the struct group_state in restaurant.h. Changes to all other
files will be discarded, and the driver file will be replaced with a different version
for grading.
All three exercises in this section have identical drivers and skeleton code.
Functions you need to implement
The functions that you need to implement are identical for all exercises of this
section. However, the required behaviours of the functions are different, and
will be explained in each exercise.
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You need to implement the following four functions:
• void restaurant_init(int num_tables[5]);
This function is called once at the start of the program, providing you
with the number of tables with each number of seats. For each i in {1, 2,
3, 4, 5}, num_tables[i-1] is the number of tables with i seats. Use this
function to perform any setup necessary (e.g., allocate global arrays).
You can assume all numbers in the array are positive integers.
• void restaurant_destroy(void);
This function is called once at the end of the program. Use this function
to free allocated resources that persist throughout the entire simulation.
• int request_for_table(group_state *state, int num_people);
This function is called when a group enters the queue of your restaurant,
giving the number of people in that group, which is an integer between 1
and 5 inclusive. This function should block until there is an available table
that can be assigned to this group (according to exercise-specific rules
that will be explained later). When that happens, this function should
return the id of the table assigned to this group. Furthermore, once this
group is in the queue, but before blocking, you need to call the
on_enqueue() function (implemented by the driver) – see below for
details. You can record information in state (you are allowed to add fields
to group_state in restaurant.h); the same state pointer will be passed to
the leave_table() invocation when the group leaves the table.
• void leave_table(group_state *state);
This function is called when a group that is currently seated at a table
leaves the restaurant. At this point, you should process the queue to
see if any group can by assigned to the table vacated by this group. This
function should not block.
The request_for_table() and leave_table() functions are called when
you issue specific input commands to the driver. The driver input format will be
clarified later in more detail.
Groups queue up in a line to enter the restaurant. A group may only be
assigned a table if no other group in front of this group in the queue can
be assigned a table. This means that a group may jump the queue only if all
groups in front of it are unable to be assigned a table. The examples in each
exercise will make this requirement clear. Keep in mind that semaphore (and
other POSIX synchronization primitive) implementations do not guarantee the
order in which blocking threads are woken up, so you need to implement your
own mechanisms to enforce this ordering.
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Queue notification
For the purpose of grading, our grader needs to know the order in which the
groups are queued. However, if our grader calls request_for_table() on
two groups one after another and those two calls block, our grader will be
unable to tell if the first group indeed queued up before the second group. This
is because our grader does not know how long it should wait before sending
the second group – the grader cannot be sure how long your synchronisation
mechanism takes to block.
To resolve this situation, we have implemented the on_enqueue() function that
takes in no parameters and returns void. In your implementation of
request_for_table(), you are required to call on_enqueue() (exactly once)
before blocking, once this group gets a position in the queue. More formally,
given two groups, A and B, if group B invokes request_for_table() after
group A’s invocation of on_enqueue(), then group B must be behind group A
in the queue. Our grader will wait until all arriving groups call the on_enqueue()
function before issuing the next batch of commands (so if you do not call
on_enqueue(), our grader will not issue any more commands and there will be
a deadlock).
You do not need to synchronise calls to on_enqueue(), as the driver
implements its own synchronisation mechanism for printing log messages. You
should call on_enqueue() even if the group does not need to wait (i.e., there is
an available table that can be immediately assigned to this group).
Compiling and running the exercises
To compile the exercises, run make in the ex4-6 subdirectories. You will not
be penalized for warnings, but you are strongly encouraged to resolve all
To run the exercises, simply run:
$ ./ex[4, 5, or 6]
and type in (or paste) batches of commands. Please refer to the next section
for the expected input format. Due to nondeterminism (see the Interactivity
section later), the validity of a command may depend on the response of
previous commands.
Note that Valgrind might take a long time to run, because it is essentially a
virtual machine that emulates every thread synchronously.
Driver input format
Similar to the ball packing exercises, the driver program takes input from stdin.
The driver program expects the following input format:
The first line contains five positive (i.e., strictly greater than zero) integers n1,
n2, n3, n4, and n5, representing the number of tables with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 seats
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respectively. The five integers are separated by space. Tables are (implicitly)
given ids starting from 0 – tables with 1 seat are given ids 0 to n1−1 inclusive,
tables with 2 seats are given ids n1 to n1+n2−1 inclusive, and so on. Hence, the
table ids overall range from 0 to n1+n2+n3+n4+n5−1 inclusive.
For example, a line:
2 3 2 1 1
will create the following table configuration:
Table Size Table IDs
1 0, 1
2 2, 3, 4
3 5, 6
4 7
5 8
Subsequent lines are in one of the following forms:
• Enter – this is a command indicating that a group
with the given id and number of people num_people have arrived at your
• Leave – this is a command indicating that the group with the given
id just vacated their assigned table; this command will only be issued if
the specified group is already seated at a table
• . – a literal period indicates a synchronisation point for the driver (see
below for details)
Note that the strings “Enter” and “Leave” must be capitalised exactly as shown.
You can make the following assumptions about the input we will use for
- It is guaranteed that at the end of the input, the queue will be empty and
there are no groups remaining in the restaurant.
- All group ids are unique within one simulation run.
- For each “Enter” command, 1 ≤ num_people ≤ 5.
- The input file is less than 1000 lines long.
Notice that the group id supplied in the input file is never given to your
synchronisation mechanism. This is by design – the behaviour of your code
should not depend on the group id.
Parallelism in the driver
Like in the previous section, input commands are separated by synchronisation
points (“.”). The driver batches together all commands until it encounters a
synchronisation point or EOF, and then it executes those commands
simultaneously in parallel (each group gets its own thread). The driver is
designed to execute those commands at maximum concurrency.
Driver output format
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Under normal operation, four types of log messages are printed by the driver:
• Group with people arrived – this message is
printed immediately before request_for_table() is called
• Group is enqueued – this message is printed after on_enqueue()
is called, and should appear after the arrival messages, without the need
to enter any further commands. Note that this message is always printed,
even if the group is not blocked in the queue (as specified earlier, you
should always call on_enqueue() in request_for_table()).
• Group is seated at table – this message is
printed when request_for_table() returns.
• Group left – this message is printed after leave_table()
Driver behaviour overview
Upon receiving a batch of Enter or Leave commands, the driver does the
following (in order):
• For every Enter command, prints the group arrived log message.
• For every Enter command, spawns a new thread and calls
request_for_table(); for every Leave command, finds the associated
thread and calls leave_table().
• Sleeps for 100ms.
• Waits until the on_enqueue() function is called the same number of
times as which request_for_table() was called (i.e., waits for all
arriving groups in the batch to be either assigned a table or be blocked
in the queue).
• For every Enter command, checks that on_enqueue() was called, and
prints the group enqueued log message; for every Leave command,
waits for leave_table() to complete, joins the thread, and prints the
group left log message
• For every thread that newly returned from their call to
request_for_table(), prints the group seated log message.
All log messages are printed from the main thread (i.e., the thread controlled
solely by the driver and not used by any group). The driver implements the
necessary synchronisation mechanisms to communicate the events between
the group threads and the main thread for printing.
Due to the above flow, all group arrived log messages will be printed before all
group enqueued and group left log messages, and those in turn will be printed
before all group seated log messages.
For grading purposes, our grader that replaces this driver will figure out (through
other means) the groups that should get assigned a table by the end of each
batch of commands, and waits for all of them to return from their call to
request_for_table() before proceeding. This guarantees that even if the
system is slow and 100ms is not enough time for all groups to react to the
incoming events, we will still be able to grade your solution correctly.
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Note that test cases need to be adaptive – a later command may depend on
the output of previous commands. Specifically, you can only issue a Leave g
command, if group g has already been assigned a table (i.e., Group g is seated
at table t has been printed). This means that some of the commands of our
sample test cases may be invalid depending on your output (i.e., depending on
how you order concurrently arriving groups in the queue), and you will need to
type in the correct commands depending on the output that has been
printed. The parallel test case for exercise 4 has comments that will make this
During grading, we will use an adaptive grader that decides on the commands
to issue based on the log messages that it has seen previously. Hence, you
will be able to assume that every command issued by our grader is valid.
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3.2. Exercise 4 (2%)
In this exercise, each table may only be assigned to a group with the same
number of people as seats at the table. For example, a group with 3 people
may only be assigned to a table with 3 seats.
The following example will help to illustrate this rule.
Example test case (ex4/seq_test.in)
Input Possible output
2 3 2 1 1
Enter 101 3
Group 101 with 3 people arrived
Group 101 is enqueued
Group 101 is seated at table 5
Enter 102 3
Group 102 with 3 people arrived