辅导COMP 2034 -Assignment 2调试Python

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COMP 2034 
Software Development 
The University of South Australia 
May 2020 
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Graduate Qualities 
Specifications and Requirements 
Submission Requirements 
Extensions and Late Submissions 
Academic Misconduct 
Sample Output 
Marking Criteria 
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This document describes the second programming assignment for COMP 2034 Software 
Development course. 
The assignment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to put into practice what 
you have learnt in the course by applying your knowledge and skills in Object-Oriented 
Programming with Python programming language. The task is to develop a program with 
multiple modules which allows users to play the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors or the game of 
In-between against the computer and maintains information on players. Player information 
will be stored in a text file that will be read in when the program commences. Once the 
application has read the initial player data, it should allow the user to interactively query 
and manipulate the player information as well as play games against the computer. 
This assignment is an individual task that will require an individual submission. Each 
student is required to submit your work via learnonline before Monday 15 June 2020, 
10am (swot-vac week). 
You will also be required to present your work to your supervisor during your allocated 
Zoom session held in the swot-vac week of the study period. Important: You must attend 
your allocated session (schedule to be announced on week 12) in order to have your 
assignment marked. 
This document is a specification of the required end product that will be generated by 
implementing the assignment. Like many specifications, it is written in English and hence 
will contain some imperfectly specified parts. Please make sure you seek clarification if you 
are not clear on any aspect of this assignment. 
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Graduate Qualities 
By undertaking this assessment, you will progress in developing the qualities of a University 
of South Australia graduate. The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are: 
• The ability to demonstrate and apply a body of knowledge (GQ1) gained from the 
lectures, practicals, and readings. This is demonstrated in your ability to apply 
programming theory to a practical situation. 
• The ability to effectively problem solve (GQ3) using Python and Object-Oriented 
Programming concepts to complete the programming problem. Effective problem 
solving is demonstrated by the ability to understand what is required, utilise the 
relevant information from lectures, the text book and practical work, write Python 
code, and evaluate the effectiveness of the code by testing it. 
• The use of communication skills (GQ6) by producing source code that has been 
properly formatted; and by writing adequate, concise and clear comments. 
Communicating with others through demonstrating and explaining the program 
code to the instructor. 
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Specifications and Requirements 
Your solution MUST adhere to the specifications and requirements described in this 
It is recommended that you develop this assignment in stages and make back-ups of your 
code regularly not only for development purpose, but also as an evidence of original work. 
Your program must be developed using multiple Python modules, with the number and 
names of all the files strictly adhering to the specifications below. 
Your program must be developed with six Python files, three of them provided, and three of 
them newly written by yourself. These files must be: 
• assignment2.py - This file contains the main part of your program to import the 
other modules and run. It allows the user to interactively query and manipulate the 
player information and play games. (PROVIDED) 
• player.py - This file contains Player class definition to store a single player 
• leaderboard.py - This file contains LeaderBoard class definition to manage 
players on a leader board. 
• game.py - This file contains Game class definition which is the base class of other 
game classes. (PROVIDED) 
• rpsgame.py - This file contains RockPaperScissors class definition which 
implements a Rock-Paper-Scissors game. (PROVIDED) 
• inbetweengame.py - This file contains Inbetween class definition which 
implements an In-between game. 
Three files (assignment2.py, game.py, rpsgame.py) will be provided on the course 
website along with this document and they must be used without any modification. To 
solve this assignment, you must create and write three additional files player.py, 
leaderboard.py, and inbetweengame.py. 
Program Behaviour 
When your run the program assignment2.py, it will create an instance object of the 
LeaderBoard class you define and call the load() method which should load in player 
information from a file called players.txt (provided on the course website). If the 
program has loaded the data successfully, the following message will be displayed: 
Players info successfully loaded. 
Or if the program fails to load the players info, the following message will be displayed: 
ERROR: Cannot load players info. 
Your program will enter the command mode after the player information has been loaded 
from the file. In the command mode, the program reads user input for a command with the 
following prompt shown on the screen: 
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Please enter a command [list, add, remove, play, winner, 
The program will allow the user to enter commands and process these commands until the 
‘quit’ command is entered. 