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Re: Case Analysis Memo (CAM) and Presentation Instruction sheet (V1.0)
The case being used for this assignment is Kidzania: Spreading Fun Around the World (Ivey Publishing:
NAC3835). Each group is responsible for purchasing the case based on the details that will be provided
on MyLS. It is not included in the coursepack for the course.
Students create their own groups of six members through the “self-registration” group functionality
provided by MyLearningSpace (MyLS). The CAM group assignment has a specific due date and time that
can be found on the Class Schedule provided in MyLS. The assignment report must be submitted both in
hard copy and as an electronic file. Failure to do so will be assessed a penalty at the discretion of the
course instructor.
The following references documents written by Dr. Kenneth Harling and Dr. Detlev Nitsch from Wilfrid
Laurier University are available on MyLS. Students may find these documents helpful in completing this
assignment successfully.
A framework for decision making.
Writing a managerial report.
Report writing by Detlev Nitsch.
Students may also want to contact the WLU Writing Center.
This assignment is divided into two parts (1) a Case Analysis Memo and (2) a presentation.
1. Case Analysis Memo (CAM)
1. Do not use external sources. Limit your analysis to information provided in the case.
2. Assignments are due on or before the assignment hand-in dates and times noted in the class
Schedule handout. Late assignments will not be accepted.
3. Your CAM must be submitted electronically to “MyLearningSpace” Drop box “CAM Assignment”
i. You are only able to submit one electronic file once so make sure that your file
includes all exhibits.
ii. Submit the file as a Word document file or as a PDF.
iii. Your electronic submission will be automatically submitted to TurnItin.
The CAM report is to be a persuasive document that is a maximum one-page, single spaced (or two-
pages double spaced) with up to an additional 3 pages of exhibits. An 11-point font and 1" margins are
required for the memo. The exhibits should use a 1” margin and cannot use a font smaller than 9-point.
Assignments must include a cover page with student name(s) and number, group number, course
section, professor, date, and the name of the case. Each page should have a page number. The cover
page does not count within the total number of pages allowed.
The memo follows the RSP format. It starts with the Recommendation (R) you would make if
confronted with the situation posed by the case. An effective recommendation contains several
sentences and makes use of strategic vocabulary to describe the solution and the problem it solves.
The recommendation part is followed by the Support (S) section which should contain three to six key
points of analysis that support your recommendation. This section represents the bulk of your report
and needs to be rich with the highlights of your analysis. It makes reference to supporting exhibits,
which contain the bulk of the analysis. This section should avoid “feelings” and value judgments.
The third and last section of the report is a brief summary Plan (P) describing at a high level how your
recommendation is to be implemented. Students are expected to briefly highlight some key elements
that would need to be addressed should their recommendation be approved.
Exhibits are used to support the arguments you present in the text and should not be used to escape
from the page length restrictions of the report. Exhibits can include charts, diagrams and financial
analysis etc. They need to be well crafted and concise. The implication of each exhibit should ideally be
described in a short paragraph that appears on that exhibit. The major conclusions drawn from the
exhibit should be reported in the memo itself. The reader should not have to read the exhibit(s) in order
to follow and understand the text of the memo.
Your task is to persuade the reader to your point of view. If you rehash case facts you are wasting both
your time, that of the reader and precious space.
Xavier López Ancona, CEO and founder of Kidzania, has asked your team to evaluate Kidzania on its
current strategic position and evaluate options that will help current and ongoing growth. Evaluate the
various options the owner is considering, plus other options you believe he should consider, and make a
recommendation as to which option López Ancona should recommend to Kidzania’s board of directors.
Please include a brief implementation plan. The CEO expects your recommendation to be well
supported through an analysis of the external and internal environments as well as, but not limited to,
Kidzania’s current financial and competitive position.
CAM Expectations
1. The analysis addresses the important strategic issues. The question for the case is meant to get you
thinking. It does not necessarily point to the critical issues to be addressed in your analysis.
Furthermore, the decisions to be made, or the alternatives to be considered by the case
protagonist(s) are not the issues. Issues are factors that need to be taken into account in making
these decisions. They are internal organizational characteristics or aspects of the external
environment that you identify in your analysis, which make (or ought to make) a difference to the
outcome of the decision-making process.
2. An unsupported recommendation is unacceptable. Examples of unsupported recommendations
are: “ABC Inc. is advised sell off Division Q because it does not fit”; or: “ABC Inc. will create a brand
for its widgets” without indicating what problem this will resolve. Avoid using the words “should”
and “must” because they are value-laden.
3. Your arguments are persuasive. They are based on case facts. Hint: the numbers in the case are
typically important to thorough analysis. Examine your report to make sure it shows effective use of
the analytical and reasoning skills you have learned in this and other courses at the LSBE.
4. Editing your CAM several times before you hand it in can add the polish that makes your
presentation look professional and catches “soft spots” in your proposal that you can then fix.
5. The written presentation is clear and professional in presentation. This includes using titles and
white space to break up the text, numbering and titling of exhibits, proper margins, correct spelling,
and denotation of units, pagination and so on.
6. Students must base their analysis on the CASE and nothing else. The CASE does not necessarily
contain all the information that was available to the actual decision makers and as a result may not
lead to the same conclusions and recommendations.
Please note the following:
Situation Marking impact
Electronic copy not submitted by due date and
Student receives an “F” (0 grade) for CAM
2. Presentation
You are taking on the role of a management consultant presenting the results of your work to your
This is a PowerPoint presentation that should be designed as a presentation to the CEO of Kidzania. It
should communicate the recommendations, and related support, in a persuasive manner.
1. The presentation should be ten minutes long. It will be followed by a five to seven minute QA
session. Your instructor may adjust these durations depending on class size.
2. Every member of the group must present.
3. The presentation must be uploaded to “MyLearningSpace” Drop box “CAM Assignment” at least
twenty-four hours before the start of class in which you are presenting.
Presentation Expectations:
1. Your presentation must be based on your CAM submission.
2. Your presentation should be at a level of quality that one would expect when presenting to a
paying client.
3. Make sure you have edited and reviewed your presentation multiple times. Your presentation is
expected to look professional.
4. You should expect to defend your recommendations and analysis during the QA session.
1. The presenting group will be graded on the quality of their presentation and answers during the
QA session.
2. Both style and substance will be considered in grading your presentation. Substance will trump
3. Participation will be marked as follows
a. Those not presenting can ask questions during the QA session. Participation marks will
be earned based on the quality and insightfulness of the questions one asks.
b. You will also evaluate two presentations. Part of your participation mark will be based
on the quality of this evaluation.
i. Your instructor will provide you with evaluation forms.
ii. Your instructor will inform you which two presentations to evaluate.
iii. At the end of class upload your evaluation to your CAM Dropbox.