FIT2104留学生讲解、辅导SQL语言、SQL编程语言调试、讲解database 讲解SPSS|调试Matlab程序

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FIT2104 Assignment 3 Semester 2, 2018
This assignment is worth 10% of the total mark for the unit.
This is an individual assignment.
Title: Application Development and Implementation
Due Dates:
Application Implementation Week 12 Friday 25th October @ 11:55
midnight (Australian time)
Harry Helper is the CEO of a charity called Famox and he's decided to embrace
modern technology and put his charity on the web so that people from all around the
world can make donations and purchase the ethical products that the charity sells.
The expectation of this assignment is to develop a CakePHP application for Harry
that will enable his clients to retrieve a list of Products that meet their entered search
criteria. Clients should be able to search on country of origin (or part thereof) and a
maximum Product sale price.
There will be one textbox for each of the search attributes. The search will assume
an AND for the search criteria. For example, find all the Products where the COO is
Australia is AND have a sale price of less than or equal to $25.00. The user MUST
enter a value in at least one of the textboxes, however, it is not required to enter a
value in BOTH the textboxes. Additionally, the search function CANNOT be
achieved via the use of DataTables.
The database must be a MySQL database located on the Monash University
database server and the web page "front-end" must use CakePHP and be resident
on the Triton Student Server.
Optional Requirement – Distinction
Completing the requirements stated above may earn you up to a Credit grade for this
assignment. In order to earn up to a Distinction grade you must complete the
following requirement.
Using a free Template or Theme or your own knowledge of CSS, customise the
appearance of your application, so that it does not look like a “baked” CakePHP
Optional Requirement – High Distinction
To earn up to a High Distinction you must complete the basic requirements, the
optional requirement for a Distinction grade and the following requirement.
Add an extra search textbox, which will allow the user to search on Category (as well
as COO and maximum sale price)
There will be one textbox for each of the search attributes. The search will assume
an AND for the search criteria. For example, find all the Products which are Toys
AND COO is Australia is AND have a sale price of less than or equal to $25.00. The
user MUST enter a value in at least one of the textboxes, however, it is not required
to enter a value in ALL the textboxes. Additionally, the search function CANNOT be
achieved via the use of DataTables.
When the search URL is initially entered, the user will see something like this. Text
boxes for the search and a sorted list of all Products
Once the user has entered some search criteria, the Products which match that
criteria, will be displayed.
I the example below Products from Australia or Austria, which have a sale price of
less than $20 and belong to the Coffee Mug category – will be shown.
Submitting Assignment 3
Create a sub-directory in your home directory on the student server. This subdirectory
must be called "ass3". Store your CakePHP application in this subdirectory.
Failure to follow this directory structure will result in non-assessment of your
To view your assignment after it has been transferred, point your browser to:
This will take the user to the main page, which will contain 1 menu item to enable
them to access the search function.
Note: insert your ID number in place of 99999999.
The Triton server will be disabled at 12am Melbourne time, on the date that the
assignment is due. By this time the assignment must have been transferred to your
directory on the Triton server. At this time, an image is taken of student assignments
and this is used for correction purposes. So, although you may be able to transfer
files after that time, they will not be considered for correction. Consequently, do not
leave it to the last day to transfer files. No consideration will be given for failing to
transfer files before the required time.
You must test the transfer procedure well before time to make sure you know how it
works. After you have transferred your assignment, test it thoroughly. Do not assume
that just because the assignment works properly from your hard disk, that it will also
work properly from the student server. For example, if you have spaces in the names
of your files, they may not work properly from the Triton server, but may work from
your hard drive.
If you fail to transfer your assignment before the closing time you will be given zero
marks. The only exceptions will be in cases of sickness or other serious cause, for
which documentary evidence (e.g. a doctor's certificate) must be produced. Students
must request an extension prior to the submission date.
The author must write all submitted web pages. Where there is evidence of similarity
with other assignments, students will be heavily penalised. Students may be
interviewed as part of the assessment requirements of the assignment. Students will
be asked question(s) to explain their submitted assignment. If a question is not
answered satisfactorily, up to two marks will be deducted and successive questions
asked until satisfactory answers are forthcoming or there are no more marks to
Students must not transfer any documents containing viruses to the student server.
Any such document will be given zero marks and a further 20 marks will be deducted
from the assignment total. Additionally, completion of the individual assignment tasks
will not automatically earn you full marks for that task. Site design and usability will
also be considered.
Further Information
An assignment discussion forum has been created and you are encouraged to use
this, posting and answering questions regarding the assignment. It is important to
remember that staff may not be available to answer questions at the last minute, so it
is important that you do not leave it to the last minute to attempt the assignment.
You may find the following information useful when starting your assignment.
1. Install a skeleton CakePHP application using composer
composer create-project create/app ass3
2. You should be able to view this application by entering localhost/CakePHP in a
browser. If you don’t wish to install a local web server, you can use the
CakePHP built-in web server. See
for more information on this.
3. Edit the config/app.php to enter your database credentials and check that
the application can access the database.
4. Using command/terminal window navigate to your application and bake the
Product and Catgeory tables.
5. You should now have a fully working application. If you enter
localhost/ass3/product into a browser, you would see something like this.
6. Check out the Models, Views and Controllers that have been created, to start
learning about CakePHP. The bake command writes great code for Models and
Controllers but doesn’t create very good Views.
7. The CakePHP Cookbook is a great resource generally and specifically for
information on retrieving data from the database.
8. You will need to create a search.ctp file within the src/Template/Product
9. You will need to create a search method in the
src/Controller/ProductController.php file.
10. To make changes to the overall look of a CakePHP application, you should look
at src/Template/Layout/default.ctp. This file acts a template for
CakePHP and is where you would put things like menus, footers etc, that you
wish to appear on each page.
11. A Monash lecturer, Peter Serwylo, did a good video about customising a
CakePHP application with a downloaded Bootstrap theme.
