- 首页 >> OS编程 ENV203 Statistics for Environmental Scientists
Assignment 1
This assignment is worth 20% of the total module mark. This assignment
has 100 marks in total.
1 Background
The data you will be using in this assignment is based on an actual study
with the following citation: Pearse AR, Hamilton RJ, Choat JH, Pita J, Almany
G, Peterson N, Hamilton GS, Peterson EE. Giant coral reef fishes display
markedly different susceptibility to night spearfishing. Ecology and Evolution
2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4501. You need to access the full study for
this assignment.
In this study, Alan Pearse and colleagues studied the humphead wrasse
(Cheilinus undulatus) and the bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)
found in the Kia fishing grounds in the Solomon Islands. They were interested
in exploring the association between reef strata and spearfishing pressure on
the abundances of the two species. Their data show that Cheilinus undulatus
abundances are not affected by night spearfishing activities, in contrast to the
high susceptibility found in Bolbometopon muricatum. Your task is to try to
replicate their findings.
Some data from the study are found in the Excel file named Pearse 2018
Data.xlsx. Note that there are two worksheets in this file. The first contains
the data while the second contains the metadata. The full data are available
on the Dryad Digital Repository.1 Columns represent variables and rows are
observations. The first row provides you with the variable names.
Perform an exploratory data analysis and report your findings. The data
analysis must be conducted in R. You must create and label all variables, convert
numerical variables into factor variables, and label all values. In your report,
you must identify the scale of all variables and produce properly labeled results.
2 Instructions
Prepare a written report of no more than 650 words, at least one and no more
than five figures and at least one and no more than three tables. The report
must show that you are able to
• identify the scale of variables (10 marks);
• replicate Table 1 in the paper adding an extra column that shows the total
number of fish (5 marks);
• replicate Figure 2 in the paper (10 marks);
• produce a graph similar to Figure 2 in the paper, but including an extra
bar for the total number of fish (10 marks);
• use technical English appropriately (10 marks).
You must be able to demonstrate that you are able to do the following in R:
• import data into R (5 marks);
• convert numerical variables to factor variables (10 marks);
• create a new variable that calculates the the total number of fish of both
species in a particular site(10 marks)
• produce appropriate summaries (15 marks); and
• produce appropriate graphs (15 marks).
3 Marking Rubric
Your mark will be based on the following schema.
Table 1: Rubric for written report.
Criterion Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
• File 1 is the research report in PDF format. The file must be named
< StudentID.pdf >. For example, 12345678.pdf.
• File 2 is the R script in R markdown format. The file must be named
< StudentID.Rmd >. For example, 12345678.Rmd.
You must submit the files via ICE. All penalties for late or incomplete submissions
5 References
1. Pearse AR, Hamilton RJ, Choat JH, Pita J, Almany G, Peterson N, Hamilton
GS, Peterson EE. Data from: Giant coral reef fishes display markedly
different susceptibility to night spearfishing. Dryad Digital Repository,
Assignment 1
This assignment is worth 20% of the total module mark. This assignment
has 100 marks in total.
1 Background
The data you will be using in this assignment is based on an actual study
with the following citation: Pearse AR, Hamilton RJ, Choat JH, Pita J, Almany
G, Peterson N, Hamilton GS, Peterson EE. Giant coral reef fishes display
markedly different susceptibility to night spearfishing. Ecology and Evolution
2018. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4501. You need to access the full study for
this assignment.
In this study, Alan Pearse and colleagues studied the humphead wrasse
(Cheilinus undulatus) and the bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)
found in the Kia fishing grounds in the Solomon Islands. They were interested
in exploring the association between reef strata and spearfishing pressure on
the abundances of the two species. Their data show that Cheilinus undulatus
abundances are not affected by night spearfishing activities, in contrast to the
high susceptibility found in Bolbometopon muricatum. Your task is to try to
replicate their findings.
Some data from the study are found in the Excel file named Pearse 2018
Data.xlsx. Note that there are two worksheets in this file. The first contains
the data while the second contains the metadata. The full data are available
on the Dryad Digital Repository.1 Columns represent variables and rows are
observations. The first row provides you with the variable names.
Perform an exploratory data analysis and report your findings. The data
analysis must be conducted in R. You must create and label all variables, convert
numerical variables into factor variables, and label all values. In your report,
you must identify the scale of all variables and produce properly labeled results.
2 Instructions
Prepare a written report of no more than 650 words, at least one and no more
than five figures and at least one and no more than three tables. The report
must show that you are able to
• identify the scale of variables (10 marks);
• replicate Table 1 in the paper adding an extra column that shows the total
number of fish (5 marks);
• replicate Figure 2 in the paper (10 marks);
• produce a graph similar to Figure 2 in the paper, but including an extra
bar for the total number of fish (10 marks);
• use technical English appropriately (10 marks).
You must be able to demonstrate that you are able to do the following in R:
• import data into R (5 marks);
• convert numerical variables to factor variables (10 marks);
• create a new variable that calculates the the total number of fish of both
species in a particular site(10 marks)
• produce appropriate summaries (15 marks); and
• produce appropriate graphs (15 marks).
3 Marking Rubric
Your mark will be based on the following schema.
Table 1: Rubric for written report.
Criterion Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
• File 1 is the research report in PDF format. The file must be named
< StudentID.pdf >. For example, 12345678.pdf.
• File 2 is the R script in R markdown format. The file must be named
< StudentID.Rmd >. For example, 12345678.Rmd.
You must submit the files via ICE. All penalties for late or incomplete submissions
5 References
1. Pearse AR, Hamilton RJ, Choat JH, Pita J, Almany G, Peterson N, Hamilton
GS, Peterson EE. Data from: Giant coral reef fishes display markedly
different susceptibility to night spearfishing. Dryad Digital Repository,