讲解shell、讲解Assignment cpe 357 SHell程序

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Assignment 5

cpe 357 Winter 2018

As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t

as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be

discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large

part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in

my own programs.

-- Maurice Wilkes, designer of EDSAC, on programming, 1949

— /usr/games/fortune

Due by 11:59:59pm, Wednesday, March 7th.

For this assignment you may work with a partner1. Be sure both names appear in the README.

Program: parseline

Shell command-line parsing:

This assignment is to do the command-line parsing necessary for the Minimally Useful SHell

(mush) that will be the subject of Asgn 6.

The Minimally Useful SHell (mush) has nowhere near the functionality of a full-blown shell like

/bin/sh or /bin/csh, but it does support both file redirection and pipes. parseline is a subset

of the shell that prompts for and reads a single mush command-line and parses it into a list of

commands showing the inputs, outputs, and arguments of each.


The grammar of mush is fairly simple:

• A command (pipeline stage) consists of a command name followed by its arguments, separated

by whitespace.

• A command’s standard input and standard out can be redirected from or into files via the use

of < (standard in) and > (standard out). The filename for the redirection is the single word

following the redirection symbol. A missing name names constitutes an error.

The redirection symbol and filename are not considered part of the command name or argument

list and are not included in the count of arguments.

• A pipe (|) connects the standard output of one command to the standard input of the following

one. For example, “ls | sort” makes the output of ls the input of sort. A series of

commands separated by pipes is a pipeline.

• You can assume that ’<’, ’>’, and ’|’ will appear as words by themselves with space around

them. That is, you don’t have to deal with “ls b<a|more”. In addition, the characters ’<’,

’>’, and ’|’ are not valid filenames, so “a.out > < a” is an error, not the creation of a file

called “<.”

Note, however, that redirections will not necessarily appear at the end of the command line.

That is, “ls > out a b” would be a legitimate command to list the files “a,” and “b” into

the file “out”.

1This will have to be a partner for both this assignment and Asgn 6.


In order to make the process easier, you may apply certain limits to the command line structure.

These limits must be documented in your README file, and command-lines that are rejected for

exceeding limits must be reported as errors.

Command line length: at least 512 bytes

Commands in a pipeline: at least 10

Arguments to a command: at least 10

The fact that these maxima2 exist will allow you to avoid the use of dynamic data structures.

My initial version of this program did not have a single call to malloc() in it. (The current version


Error Handling

parseline must identify and report malformed commands. This includes:

• malformed redirects. For example, “a.out < ” doesn’t specify the name of the file for redirect

while “a.out < a < b” has two input redirects.

• ambiguous inputs or outputs. For example, in the pipeline “ls | sort < foo”, the input to

sort is specified to be two different things.

• command-lines that exceed any limits imposed (above).


The purpose of parsing a command line is to identify the various components of each command so

that each can be launched appropriately. On a Unix system, one needs to know where the input will

come from, where the output will go, the number of arguments on the command line (not including

any redirection commands) and the values of those arguments.

In order for this program to be efficiently graded, it is important to adhere to the output format

specified below.

Error Cases When there is an error in one of the commands in the pipeline, parseline prints

an error message an exits with nonzero exit status. If there are multiple errors on a line, it prints

the the first one it encounters. Possible errors are shown in Table 1.

Valid Cases For syntactically correct pipelines, parseline should print out a description of

each stage of the pipeline in the form given below. For the sake of parseline, the first stage of a

pipeline will be stage 0. The required form of the output:

1. a header that identifies the stage number and shows the portion of the command line that

corresponds to that stage, in quotes. This header should follow a blank line and have the

following form:


Stage n: "<command line>"




Stage 0: "ls a b c "


2The phrasing here is a little awkward. What it means is that you may apply a maximum limit for each of these

properties, but the value of your maximum must be at least as big as that given in the table above. That is, you can’t

define the maximum command line length to be 0 and be done.


Cause Message

command line length limit exceeded command too long

pipeline has too many elements pipeline too deep

an individual command has exceeded

the limit on arguments

cmd: too many arguments

a pipeline has an empty stage, e.g.,

“ls | | more”

invalid null command

a command either has more then one

input redirection character (’<’), or

the input filename is missing

cmd: bad input redirection

a command either has more then one

output redirection character (’>’), or

the input filename is missing

cmd: bad output redirection

a stage has both an input redirect and

a pipe in

cmd: ambiguous input

a stage has both an output redirect

and a pipe out

cmd: ambiguous output

Table 1: Possible errors that mush will encounter

2. a specification of the input for the stage which will be one of:

a filename, if redirected

“original standard input”

“pipe from stage n”


input: original stdin

3. a specification of the output for the stage which will be one of:

a filename, if redirected

“original standard output”

“pipe to stage n”


output: pipe to stage 1

4. the argument count (argc) for the stage.


argc: 4

5. the arguments strings for the stage with extra whitespace trimmed off, in quotes, commaseparated.


argv: "ls","a","b","c"


Tricks and Tools

Remember, parsing is always harder than it looks. Be sure to give some serious thought to your

approaches and data structures before diving in. There are many library routines and system calls

that may help with implementing parseline. Some of them are listed in Figure 1.







The string functions, defined in string.h and strings.h, are helpful

for parsing strings



One of many functions defined in ctype.h for text processing. Very


Figure 1: Some potentially useful system calls and library functions

A few thoughts:

• You can find out the number of stages in the pipeline by counting number of times the pipe

character (|) appears and adding 1.

• You only need to report the first error you find, so you can abort processing once you find one.

• Be far-sighted about this. Read the specification for the full version of mush before starting

so you will know where you want to end up. You want to make design decisions you can live

with next week.

• Remember that although parsing looks easy it it harder than it looks. There are a lot of edge


Coding Standards and Make

See the pages on coding standards and make on the cpe 357 class web page.

What to turn in

Submit via handin to the asgn5 directory of the pn-cs357 account:

• your well-documented source files.

• A makefile (called Makefile) that will build your program with the command “make parseline”.

• A README file that contains:

– Your name(s). In addition to your names, please include your Cal Poly login names with

it, in parentheses. E.g. (pnico)

– Any special instructions for running your program.

– Any other thing you want me to know while I am grading it.


The README file should be plain text, and should be named “README”, all capitals with

no extension.

Sample Runs

Below are some sample runs of parseline. I will also place an executable version on the CSL

in ~pn-cs357/demos so you can run it yourself.

% parseline

line: ls


Stage 0: "ls"


input: original stdin

output: original stdout

argc: 1

argv: "ls"

% parseline

line: ls < one > two three four


Stage 0: "ls < one > two three four"


input: one

output: two

argc: 3

argv: "ls","three","four"

% parseline

line: ls < one | more | sort


Stage 0: "ls < one "


input: one

output: pipe to stage 1

argc: 1

argv: "ls"


Stage 1: " more "


input: pipe from stage 0

output: pipe to stage 2

argc: 1

argv: "more"


Stage 2: " sort"



input: pipe from stage 1

output: original stdout

argc: 1

argv: "sort"

% parseline

line: ls | | more

invalid null command

% parseline

line: ls < a < b | more

ls: bad input redirection

% parseline

line: ls < a | more < file

more: ambiguous input

% parseline

line: ls < a < b > c > d

ls: bad input redirection


